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     .     Applications invited for Fellow Programme In Management (FPM)     Dial the following Mobile numbers for admission queries, 9225340984, 6359252520, 9422379154, 8600523315     IMDR does not accept admissions through management quota. Admissions are done based on merit and criteria prescribed by AICTE

Academic Year 2022-23


Entrepreneurship Fair in Moonlight Melodies, a Singing Event on Occasion of Kojagiri Paurnima Date: -08th October 2022.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Committee, IMDR Pune had organized an E Fair of variety of stalls in the Moonlight Melodies a Singing Event on Occasion of Kojagiri Paurnima on 08th October2022. E Fair started at 5:30 in the evening. There were around 12 stalls of food and other stuff. Dr. Sharad Kunte(Chairman, GB & Council, DES), Shri Mahesh Athavale (Vice ChairmanGB & Council, DES) and Shri. Dhananjay Kulkarni, Secretary, DES attended the programme.

Following stalls were set up by IMDR students during the event

  • MPs KhanaKhazana
  • The Beverage Corner
  • Natures Gift Oil
  • Snacks Corner by Divya and Vaidehi
  • AaoKhao Mast Ho Jao
  • IMDR DoodhBhandar
  • Sandwich House
  • Yashee by YashodhanBarve
  • AmhiKolhapuri
  • Khooshboo Incense Sticks by Siddique
  • Dhokla Stall
  • Royal Saino MOMOS

DES members and staff were provided coupons of Rs. 100 each to promote sell of items in E Fair. IMDR spent Rs. 12345 to reimburse the coupon amount.

Following student members participated in organizing the event

  • PradyumnPatil
  • SandeshKeshte
  • LokeshKandhare
  • SiddhikaJadhav
  • MohilBhosale
  • Vayu Jain
  • Chirag Sansare
  • AachalKhinvsara
  • RupeshJadhav
  • SanketKotwal
  • GaravKhandebharad
  • DarshitaPawar
  • SakshiJagtap

Special Thanks- E&I committee Faculty incharge
Dr. AbhijeetShivane
Dr. SonaliKhurjekar
Report Prepared by :-
1. Mr. Chirag Sansare, 2. Mr.SanketKotwal
Photos :- Mr. Sandeep Sharma
Date :- 20th Oct 2022

Entrepreneurship Mind Matters Workshop -Report

IMDR in collaboration with DeAsra and IMDR, organized workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship Mind Matters’ for the students of PGDM I.

This workshop was planned for students looking to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that will come in useful whether they choose to take up a job, be self-employed or run a business. It provided a view into the behaviours and characteristics of an entrepreneur which are the basis of developing an entrepreneurial mindset

The workshop helped students understand & inculcate the entrepreneurial mindset through art-based interventions like drum circles, theatre exercises, case study discussions and interaction with entrepreneurs.

Dr. Anand Godse - Entrepreneur Transformation Expert and Consulting Psychologist was the expert for the sessions. The students were divided in six batches with 3 hours workshop for 20 students in each batch. The students were shown a video and asked to identify motivating words for the same. Students had to detect the motivational words which they could relate to. Later they had to play the drums as per the hand movements of the trainer. Initially the students had difficulty in synchronising with each other but eventually developed the skill. This activity helped the students understand the importance of coordination with colleagues and teamwork.

The final outcome of the workshop was:

  • Team Building.
  • Coordination with Group
  • Motivation for Entrepreneurship.
  • Relaxation from daily anxiety through Music.

100 Rs. Entrepreneur Competition 28th Feb 2023

100 Rs. Entrepreneur competition held on 28th Feb 2023 between 2 to 4 pm. Five teams took part in the competition. ManizaHalim , IMDR PGDM I stood first in the competition.

Students were asked to put up stalls with 100 Rs as investment. By investing 100 rupees whoever had earned maximum profit was chosen as a winner of the competition

It helped students understand the business nitty gritty. This competition was organized along with KSHITIJ 2023.

Report Prepared by : Dr AbhijeetShivane , Head , E & I Committee 2022-23

Report of Business Plan Competition 2023

DES’S IMDR Pune organized a business plan competition at the national level. 23 teams participated in it.

7 best plans were shortlisted through first round.

The second round was held on 25th March 2023

Fergusson College student KrrishAgarwalla won the first prize of Rs 50,000. Aryan Raul, NIT Suratkal got the second prize of Rs.30 thousand. SairajAhiwale's start-up came third and got a prize of Rs 20 thousand. AmoghMayee was awarded with ‘best business plan exhibit’ prize of Rs 5 thousand. Mr. Chakor Gandhi, Mr. Niraj Bora and Mr. Sujay Shah worked as judges for the competition

Pune’s DCP Sandeep Singh Gill was also present as a guest for this event. He gave valuable guidance to the contestants and the students present.

Under the guidance of Director IMDR, Dr Shikha Jain, Dr.AbhijeetShivane, Dr.SonaliKhurjekar and team took efforts to make the event successful.