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Mr. Sanjeev Parkar

Report on Webinar by Mr. Sanjeev Parkar on January 22, 2022 at 10.30 am.

Title –Dynamism of Changing Performance Management in VUCA world

As a part of student development activities and corporate connect, IMDR continuously organizes webinar by various renowned industry experts. IMDR has organized a webinar on January 22, 2022 on the topic Dynamism of Changing Performance Management in VUCA world. The webinar was conducted through Microsoft Teams and participants were students of PGDM-I & II. The resource person was Mr. Sanjeev Parker, Senior Director, Human Capital , Price Waterhouse Coopers, Mumbai.

He shared his profound thoughts on making ourselves ready to face challenges in this VUCA world. The discussion on what organizations are looking for and how one should be ready to upskill and accept the changes in a positive manner was very interesting. With the help of well suited examples he emphasized that professionals must be focused on collaborations, inclusions, accountability, VUCA adaptability. One should have orientation and business knowledge, strong hold on domain knowledge, and a visionary attitude. The seven disrupting technology trends that are changing the future work force are imperative. He shared the latest trends and changing dynamics of the workforce and challenges faced by managers who are managing the human capital in this world which is technology driven and full of uncertainties. His invaluable words of wisdom which actually motivated the participants were truly inspiring.