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     Coming Soon : International Conference focusing on “Deep Tech and the Global Race for Technological Leadership—From Innovation to Societal Impact," on 7th & 8th March, 2025.     Applications invited for the post of Assistant Professor     Applications invited for Fellow Programme In Management (FPM)     Dial the following Mobile numbers for admission queries, 9225340984, 6359252520, 9422379154, 8600523315     IMDR does not accept admissions through management quota. Admissions are done based on merit and criteria prescribed by AICTE

Mr. Karan Bamba

Report on Webinar by Mr. Karan Bamba on August 21, 2021 at 10.30 am.

Title – Transitioning from campus to career: A perspective

As a part of student development activities and corporate connect, IMDR continuously organizes webinar by various renowned industry experts. IMDR Has organized a webinar on August 21, 2021 on the topic Transitioning from campus to career: A perspective”. The webinar was conducted through Microsoft Teams and participants were students of PGDM-I &II.The resource person was Mr. Karan BambaVice President – Commercial at HFCL Ltd. Mumbai.

He enlightens us by sharing a glimpse of your professional journey which was indeed interesting and also taught us the right approach to accept new opportunities as well as to be ready for new challenges also. He emphasized on knowledge and ability to learn at any stage as key to success. He explains the disciplined approach will lead to successful career. His ability to present the subject in such an interesting way along with your real life experiences has been highly appreciated by our students. All the students took some invaluable takeaways from this wonderful discussion.