Dr. Sanmath Shetty
Associate Professor
Institute of Management Development & Research - IMDR
DES Campus, Agarkar Rd | Deccan Gymkhana | Pune 411 004 | Maharashtra | India
Email : sanmath.shetty@imdr.eduLandline No : 9960253098
Tele : 02067656124
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Profile and History:
Dr..Sanmath Shetty and is an Associate Professor with Deccan Education Society's Institute of Management Development and Research. Previously he was associated for Twelve years with Sinhgad Technical Education Society, Pune. He has completed my Ph.D. from Savitribai Phule Pune University in the year 2018 and the Thesis was titled, “A Study of the Effect of Employee Engagement on Faculty performance for Organizational Development with Reference to Selected Ranked Management Institutes in Maharashtra.” Skilled in Lecturing, Employee Training, Soft Skills, Research, and Adult Education. Strong education professional with a Ph. D focused in Human Resource Management from Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has a diploma in Labour laws & labour welfare and have completed Dip. T&D from ISTD.
Subjects Taught:
Legal Aspects of Business, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Labour Laws, Employment Relations, Strategic Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Emotional Intelligence and Industry/ Enterprise analysis.
Research Interests:
Training & Development, Emotional labour and Employee Engagement.
Books Edited/ Written:
1. Das, G., Shetty, S., & Khurjekar, S. (Eds.). (n.d.). Appreciating Organization’s Biggest Assets: Cases in Human Resource Management. DES'IMDR. ISBN: 978-81- 950739-1-7.
2. Ansari, Z., & Shetty, S. (n.d.). Leadership and Motivation: The Ultimate Guide. ISBN: 979-8372058057.
3. Shetty, S., Khurjekar, S., & Potdar, P. (Eds.). (n.d.). Millets - Nature's Nutrigrain. DES'IMDR. ISBN: 978-81-950739-9-3.
1. Research Paper titled, “Work Force Diversity Study in Restaurant Industry and Its Future Implications.” (2011) organized by SIMCA, Pune.
2. Research Paper titled, “A Study of Workforce Diversity and its Implications in Hospitals with special reference to the Nursing Staff in selected hospitals in Pune Region.” (2011) organized by SKN SSBM, Pune.
3. Research Paper titled, “A Study of Opportunities and Challenges for Agri-Tourism in Maharashtra.” (2011) organized by SKN SSBM, Pune.
4. Research Paper titled, “Study of Talent Acquisition in The KPO Industry, Challenges and Opportunity.” (2011) organized by SKN SSBM, Pune.
5. Shetty, S., Samdani, N. & Sakhrekar, S. (2011), “Emotional labour band its relevance with respect to service staff in restaurants in Pune city.”, International Journal of Business, Management & Social Sciences (IJBMSS), 1, 3(III), 74-79.
6. Shetty, S. “A Study of HRD Practices in Restaurants.” Chapter in Book: HRD Practices in Contemporary Industries.
7. Research Paper Titled, “Study of Employee Engagement and its effect with respect to Service staff in Restaurants in Pune city.” (2014) In Conference proceeding titled Emerging Trends & Practices in Indian Business Environment organized by SIOM.
8. Research Paper Titled, “Study of Employee Engagement Strategies to improve Employee performance in Restaurants in Pune city.” (2014) In Conference proceeding titled Emerging Global Strategies for Indian Industry organized by SIOM.
9. Shetty, S., Charak, K. (2016), “Impact of Employee Engagement on Employee Development W.R.T. faculty of Management Institutes in Pune.”, International Journal of Social Science and Management 4 (6), 169-175.
1. Shetty, S., Charak, K. (2017), “The study of the effect of Employee Engagement on Task performance with Respect to Faculty of Management Institutes in Pune.”, International Journal of Social Science and Management 5 (4), 169-174.
2. Shetty, S. (2021) “Indian Restaurant: Managing Diversity In Challenging Times”, PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology. ISSN 1567- 214x 18 (08), 4458-4463.
3. Kalse, A., Shetty, S., Priyadarshini, P., Bandana, S.& Shukla, T. (2021) “ManagingTalent in Changing Times”, AIMS Journal of Management. ISSN 2395- 6852. 7 (1),174-181.
4. Shetty, S. (2021), “Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Employment”, The Journal OfOriental Research Madras, ISSN: 0022-3301. 93 (LIV), 66-73.
5. Shetty, S., Ansari, Z. (2021), “Effect of Emotional Labour on the stress of newly recruited Marketing Professionals during the Covid-19 Pandemic.”. ADALYA JOURNAL, ISSN NO: 1301-2746. 10 (9), 75-92.
6. Shetty, S. (2021), “A Study of the Relationship Between Emotional Labour and WorkLife Balance”, NIU International Journal of Human Rights, ISSN: 2394-0298. 8 (XIV), 7-12.
7. Ansari, Z., Shetty, S. (2021), “Changing Leadership Dynamics in Organizational Innovations.” International Journal of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences. (Kanpur Philosophers) ISSN 2348-8301. 8 (IX), 81-89.
8. K Kale, S Shetty (2022), “A Study On Green Supply Chain Management, Its Advantages, Rewards and Implementation” पुराणम्- Purana 64 (1 (IV)), 31-39.K Kale, S Shetty (2022), “An Explorative Study On Green Supply Chain Management, Its Advantages, Rewards and Implementation” Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research,"Shodhasamhita" 9, I (XIII), 101-109
9. Shetty, S., & Potdar, P. (n.d.). A study of corporate CSR spending of companies operating in Maharashtra. The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 11(1), 469-482.
10. K Kale, S Shetty, H. Mirji, D. Bhavsar, A. Shrivastav, P Praveen,. (2024) Risk Management in Public Health Emergencies: Lessons from Recent Pandemics. (n.d.). South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH). ISSN: 2197-5248.
1. Organization: Sinhgad Technical Education Society
Designation: Assistant Professor
Period: June 2010 to June 2022
2. Organization: Venture Media, Pune.
Designation: HR/ Admin. Associate
Period: June 2009 to June 2010