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IMDR Vision
IMDR is a community of students, staff and
DES’s Institute of Management faculty striving to be vibrant with learning processes
Development and Research (IMDR®) in which individuals discover THEMSELVES while
being PRODUCTIVE with their capabilities and
DES’s Institute of Management Development CREATIVE with their energy.
and Research (IMDR®), Pune was founded by We also nurture RELATEDNESS with the world
late Padmashree Dr. Ramesh T Doshi and late outside so that we grow by sharing the wealth of
Shri. Sumatilal Shah and was established as a knowledge and experience
constituent unit of Deccan Education Society in
May, 1974. IMDR is the first management institute
started in the Pune. IMDR offers two years fulltime IMDR Mission
Post Graduate Diploma in Management approved
by All India Council of Technical Education IMDR is committed to the kind of Management
(AICTE), New Delhi and recognized by Director of Education which contributes to enlightened
Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra. management practice and sustained growth of
work organisation. Our students should be helped
to become thoughtful and sensitive professionals,
with a commitment to simultaneously contributing
to the environment and the self