Page 14 - Connect 2024-25
P. 14
A Cultural and Historical Journey Through Maharashtra’s Hidden Gem
Paournima Ghodture, PGDM I
Many hidden places in Maharashtra carry history and basin and is surrounded by high rocky walls that create
mysterious stories behind them based on different a dramatic and picturesque landscape. The water’s
cultures. One of the most beautiful places in north salinity and alkalinity makes it unique and it supports
Maharashtra is Lonar Sarovar carries history and science various forms of specialized flora and fauna.
as well and the locals call this place the Eighth Wonder. The lake’s serene and otherworldly ambiance, especially
Lonar Lake is also known as Lonar Crater it was during sunrise and sunset, offers breathtaking views.
created by asteroid collision with earth impact during The surrounding area is rich with flora, including unique
the Pleistocene Epoch. It is one of the four known, species that have adapted to the harsh conditions of the
hypervelocity, impact craters in basaltic rock anywhere lake’s environment.
on the earth. The crater’s age is usually estimated to be Lonar is well connected by road and can be reached
52000 to 6000 years. from major cities in Maharashtra such as Mumbai,
It was referred as Panchapsara in Valmiki Ramayan. This Pune, and Aurangabad. The nearest railway station is
lake is visited by Lord Rama during his journey through in Jalna, about 80 km away, and from there you can
the Dandaka Forest. Also, in Skanda Purana and Padma hire a taxi or take a bus to Lonar. The nearest airport is
Purana there was the story that the demon Lonasura was in Aurangabad which is 150 km away. The ideal time
hiding himself in the lake from Daitya Sudan, an avatar to visit Lonar is between November and March when the
of the Vishnu, and ultimately slain by him. The demon’s weather is pleasant and conducive for sightseeing. Lonar
blood formed the lake’s water, and his decomposed is also a religious site, modest clothing is recommended
body contributed to the lake’s high salt content. That’s when visiting temples.
why the lake is also known as the “crater of mysteries”.
The best thing about this lake is that it is surrounded Conclusion
by 15 temples and one mosque. The Lonar group of Lonar offers a unique blend of natural beauty, ancient
temples illustrates a unique architectural beauty. These temples, and rich cultural heritage. Whether you are a
temples are the center of attraction of Lonar Lake. Apart history buff, a nature enthusiast, or a spiritual seeker,
from the temple, we came across a fascinating ancient Lonar’s picturesque landscape and historic temples
step well from the time of the Chalukya Dynasty. Lonar is provide a captivating experience. With proper planning
a fine example of the Hemadpanthi style of architecture. and an appreciation for its unique features, a visit to
Lonar Sarovar or lake is in the shape of a circular Lonar can be both enriching and memorable.