Page 92 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 92
advantages and disadvantages of lucrative compensation in an effort
the competition might be quite to keep them on staff. Contrarily,
instructive. benefits are meant to increase
To avoid the discrepancy between employee happiness, enhance
what employees want and what their welfare, and inspire them to
they receive, employee expectations work harder and more happily.
should be extensively considered When the employees stay with the
while structuring salary and benefits company for a longer amount of
packages. time, all these characteristics are
advantageous to them. As a result,
It is possible to assess employee it is very important in defining
satisfaction levels, glass-door effective tactics for engagement,
reviews, and pay-scale analysis. A recruitment, and retention. Failure
business can establish its strategy to provide the proper package
and choose its course of action by will result in increased fees. This
studying the competition. It can study aimed to determine the
also help in accommodating and types of benefits and pay offered
putting any necessary modifications to employees in the e-commerce
into the overall compensation plan. industry. Secondary information
Employees should be given the was gathered from five e-commerce
option to choose a flexible payment companies about benefits and pay
schedule that suits their needs at for their employees. According to
the time. Companies may revisit the research, medical insurance,
performance-based remuneration business expense reimbursements,
and make it a little more employee- paid leaves and bonuses are the
focused. most common benefits received,
and employees are only moderately
Employees should receive happy with their benefits package.
comprehensive information from Post-lockdown employees’ lifestyles
human resources on the many types have altered, with flexible working
of pay and benefits available.
hours being the top perk, and
Conclusion increased possibilities for paid
The primary drive for employees is time off. According to the study’s
thought to be their compensation findings, compensation and
and benefits package. The purpose benefits packages should be revised
of compensation is to draw to consider the present and future
and keep personnel within the employees’ preferences into account
company. Skilled workers are paid as they cater to the demands of