Page 91 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 91
paid leaves. levels can all be evaluated. Studying
More than just paying a wage and the competition can help a
keeping up with inflation is involved corporation decide on its strategy
in compensation management. and course of action. Incorporating
In many organizations, any essential adjustments into the
remuneration is based on how overall compensation plan will also
well employees perform in relation be made easier with its aid.
to organizational goals. Efficient To sum up, the effectiveness of a
compensation administration is compensation strategy should be
a challenge for human resources thoroughly examined in relation
departments, whether because of to business objectives and financial
financial limitations, technological information. Even though these
advancements, or other commercial challenges may seem overwhelming,
considerations. businesses may get through them
In most respectable companies, with smart planning and diligent
a standard employee pay plan or labour. With the right tools,
package contains a fixed component, organizations can concentrate on
such as a base wage that is provided what really matters – encouraging
regardless of employee contribution employee motivation and fostering
or performance. Additionally, a positive culture – instead of on
there are standard perks including menial activities and transactions.
allowances, medical insurance, Recommendations
family coverage, paid leave, perks, as Based on the analysis and findings,
well as variable remuneration based the following recommendations
on employee performance. Some for employee compensation and
bonuses are often given depending benefits in the e-commerce sector
on evaluations from performance are possible:
Every organization should
As a result of the pandemic, conduct research into the perks and
employee lifestyles were altered in compensation packages it provides
terms of their needs and wants, to see where it stands and what
and employment required the needs to be done to make it better.
use of new skills, requiring the An extensive personnel survey,
development of a novel and study, and competitive analysis will
competitive compensation package. be conducted as a remedy for this.
Glass-door reviews, pay-scale Analyze the flaws after comparing
analyses, and employee satisfaction the salary to that of the rivals. The