Page 86 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 86
Zomato provides 26 weeks of paid In all of the large offices of Zomato
parental leave for expectant parents, restaurants and deliveries, there is a
including adoption, surrogacy, and daycare center on site.
foster care. The same rules apply to They serve meals and snacks
same-sex relationships, surrogacy, at discounted prices in all of its
adoption, and non-bearing parents. spacious workplaces and has an
In nations where the required leave always-accessible pantry facility.
period exceeds 26 weeks, local laws Being a food technology company,
must be followed. they make sure that every employee
Period Leave Policy was created receives a satisfying complimentary
to allow employees the time off breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
they require to care for their health Their financial benefits include
when they are going through their stock options, retirement plans, and
menstrual cycle. Up to 10 days performance bonus.
of period leaves may be taken by
eligible Zomans annually, or as Challenges faced during the
permitted by local rules. implementation of Employee
Compensation and Benefits in
Unless an employee is already the E- commerce Sector: (Shyla
covered by the government, Kapahi, 2022, Challenges faced
Zomato restaurants and delivery by compensation and benefits
offers medical insurance to all of managers in the e-commerce
its employees. In some markets, industry in India,
spouses and kids are also covered by
insurance. The Escalating Competition:
The business doesn’t have a A 2019 study from Mumbai found
probationary period for any of its that the retail and e-commerce
employees at Zomato. Furthermore, sectors see the highest levels of
Zomato restaurants and delivery corporate poaching. Everyone
services don’t require Zomans to has an equal chance thanks to the
provide notice intervals. internet, which also gives them an
equal platform. With hundreds of
Their delivery services and more enterprises possibly offering
restaurants have a staff of the same goods or services to the
psychologists and Counselors same target market, this creates a
working to improve everyone’s highly competitive environment.
working conditions.