Page 81 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 81
20% of the new employees come amount per child.
from employee recommendations. If an employee’s pet becomes sick
If the employee’s referral is or hurt, he/she can be financially
recruited, he might receive a bonus. protected with a reduced Pet
Employers don’t really need to Insurance plan from eBay Inc.
spend a lot of money on other
recruitment channels because To guarantee workers are working
employee recommendation attracts in a healthy and comfortable
more qualified candidates and has a setting, ergonomic consultants
higher conversion rate. offer aid with office furniture and
equipment. By doing an ergonomic
Employees of eBay Inc. generously examination, the consultant can
give their time and money to help assist in matching the functional
those in need. They assist one capabilities of the wounded worker
by matching the philanthropic to the physical demands of the job, so
donations one makes to deserving assisting in reducing unnecessarily
organizations. long absences from work.
Work-life balance: Additional Benefits include free
All employees have access to drinks and snacks, ATMs, on-site dry
development tools, including cleaning, massages, auto detailing
managers’ training and career oil changes, and dental cleanings are
development planning. In order just a few examples of the amenities
to maintain excellent performance available, workgroup initiatives,
and a sense of preparedness for fitness facility, sports, groups for
their tasks, it aims to develop team parents, workshops/classes, eBay
members’ skills and knowledge Grill, live eBay events, adaptable
during the course of their timetables, rooms for mothers,
employment. employee training programs offsite,
eBay Inc. encourages and provides benefits of the Commuter Program,
financial support for programmes etc. The perception among potential
that pertain to current or potential employees grows that employers
future employment in the field are interested in them, which has a
of continuing education and beneficial effect on both hiring and
professional development. retention.
The organization covers the
expenses related to adopting a child
under the age of 18 up to a fixed