Page 77 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 77
years, further shares will vest. Over medical accommodation options
time, many Amazon employees get that address both physical and
more refresher RSUs. RSUs are mental health issues. By giving your
frequently given to valued or new employees health insurance, you
employees as a means of encouraging may strengthen their commitment
hiring or the accomplishment of to the company and lengthen their
performance objectives. stays.
Regardless of level, tenure, or Amazon provides workers with a
position, Amazon provides full- range of family leave benefits to help
time regular employees with them at any stage of life they may be
complete medical, dental, and at:
vision coverage. The business offers Pregnancy leave offers birth
a shared deductible health plan and mothers up to 4 weeks of pre-
a Health Savings Account, two partum paid leave and 10 weeks of
different types of health insurance paid leave (post-partum).
(HSA). The Health Savings
Account (HSA) offers an alluring Employees are entitled to 6 weeks
method for workers with high of paid leave under the parental leave
deductible health plans to save for policy after the birth or adoption of
future medical expenses while also a child. (To qualify, an employee
dramatically lowering the yearly tax must have worked for the company
burden. When medical costs rise, for a full year.) The employee has the
HSA funds can assemble over time, option of taking this leave all at once
surpass their initial investments, or in two installments. The lack of
and be used as a retirement plan. such employee-friendly regulations
HSA payments are tax deductible may prevent some people from
and grow tax-free, just like pre-tax having stress-free parenthood.
contributions to a 401k. However, If an employee does not have access
unlike a conventional 401(k), to paid parental leave through their
distributions from the account are company, they may split any unused
not taxed if utilized for medical portion of their parental leave with
costs. their husband or domestic partner
Employees are given access to under the Leave Share Programme.
comprehensive medical care A 401(k) plan with a 50% company
from day one, free, confidential match is offered by Amazon. A
counseling services available around 401(k) plan with a 50% company
the clock, and a range of leave and match is offered in the United States