Page 79 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 79
Health Benefits: dismemberment coverage equal to
Insurance includes medical two times their annual income. For
insurance which starts on the day one and his family, they also provide
of hire, dental insurance is a fixed optional AD&D packages and life
amount per person per year, and insurance.
vision insurance includes exams, The organization’s short-term
contacts, lenses, and frames covered disability insurance is supplied at
under the Vision Service Plan, 80% of pay. By ensuring that the
which offers vision insurance (VSP). employee can maintain financial
It demonstrates that employers are stability long enough to heal and
concerned about their employees’ return to work, the policy serves to
welfare. protect the employer’s investment
Employees can utilize tax-free in a valuable employee. They also
money from Flexible Spending offer long-term disability insurance.
Accounts (FSAs) to pay for qualified If an employee becomes disabled for
costs. Employees can deposit upto a longer period of time, long-term
to a certain limit per account, and disability insurance is granted at 66,
one can pay for medical bills using 2/3% of their wage. The employee
a handy debit card. It enables you incurs no cost in receiving these
to set aside money from your salary perks. Benefits will continue until
before taxes to cover medical and the employee has used up all of the
child care costs. policy benefits or has received a
medical clearance to resume work.
The Employee Assistance Program
(EAP) is a private counseling While one is traveling for the firm,
service that can assist one and their business travel accident insurance
family with a variety of personal, offers supplementary coverage
emotional, or monetary problems. and emergency travel assistance.
Employees and their families are Businesses are required by law and
automatically registered, and there society to shield their workers from
is no charge for the plan. When dangers and threats while they are
an employee’s needs for general working or travelling abroad.
well-being are addressed, they may An effort by eBay Inc. called the
concentrate on their work and forge eHealth Highway aims to empower
closer bonds with coworkers. our users to take control of their
All employees are provided health and fitness. They want to
with basic life insurance as be employees’ partner in achieving
well as accidental death and their personal best, so they provide