Page 74 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 74
about benefits, processing claims, financial ways. Due to the extreme
and enrolling them in benefit plans. diversity of the organization, HR
The compensation and benefits of in e-commerce is a difficult area
employees are impacted by changes to manage. E- commerce start-
in labour laws and regulations, ups are drawing a variety of talent
therefore C&B professionals must from traditional industries due to
stay current on these changes. their novelty and entrepreneurial
Benefits like health insurance, paid expertise. In terms of understanding
time off, and pension plans are what they are getting into, this talent
examples of compensation, whereas may or may not be in the high-
wages and salaries are examples of awareness zone. This is precisely why
benefits. Benefits and compensation having a thorough understanding
are significant because they can aid of various industries, their talent
in luring and keeping exceptional landscapes, and how they relate to
personnel. Companies must the e-commerce ecosystem is crucial
provide a competitive wage and for an HR professional working
benefits package in order to remain in e-commerce. (S. Sriram and M.
in business. (Quit Genius, 2022) Arumugam, 2016).
Being a human resources specialist Objectives
in India’s competitive e-commerce • To study the various elements
market might be challenging. It’s of employee compensation and
challenging to manage diversity benefits in the e-commerce sector.
and attract the right staff because
the majority of these businesses are • To study the challenges faced
start-ups. The scope of work for in employee compensation and
an HR professional in retaining benefits in the e-commerce sector.
employees’ Research methodology
satisfaction and motivation is huge The research methodology used for
because jobs at start-ups are no this case study is descriptive research
longer only available from 9 am to 5 using secondary data collection.
pm. In start-ups, they are constantly The employee compensation
working. It is crucial that HR and benefits prevailing in the
professionals create an environment e-commerce sector are analyzed
that feels comfortable because of through secondary data collection
this. In addition, it has become of five different e-commerce
crucial to consistently reward and organizations viz. Amazon, eBay,
recognize hard work while also Flipkart, MakeMyTrip, and Zomato.
raising workplace morale in non-