Page 85 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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their allegiance and is crucial for 5. Zomato:
employee retention.
The company offers 30 days of
discounted vacations for family
and friends. If the employee uses
and enjoys the services, he might
also provide free publicity for the
Figure 5: Zomato Delivery Partner
The option of ‘work from home’
is only valid for employees of a Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj
certain designation. Employees that Chaddah launched Zomato, an
can frequently work from home international restaurant directory,
include those who don’t need a and food delivery service, in 2008.
traditional office or clinical setting Zomato provides menus, user
to communicate with internal ratings, and details on nearby
and external clients, have remote restaurants. It also offers food
access to necessary systems and delivery options from partner
software for the job’s duties, or have restaurants in a few cities. As of 2019,
managers who can track or evaluate more than 10,000 communities
productivity. across 24 countries can access the
programme. (Zomato, Wikipedia).
Employees can receive enticing
discounts on their own reservations Zomato’s Compensation and
without having to pay MMT Benefits Model is as follows:
service charges. Also, employers (Salman S.H., 2020; Tractorsinfo.
provide staff discounts in an effort com Editorial Team, 2022)
to increase sales.
A weekly salary of INR 4,000–
5,000 is guaranteed by the
company. When delivery workers
reach the goal of 60–65 hours per
week, the minimum payment is
made to their bank accounts. The
new compensation model offers
executive delivery employees a
higher monthly salary than the
market average of INR 26–28K.
The average annual salary in
Zomato is INR 8.2 lakhs.