Page 38 - CONNECT 2023-24
P. 38
Outdoor Sports in India
- Rashmi Mani, Vaidehi Yadgire, Runmayi Jamode,
Ajinkya Kulkarni, Harshwardhan Garde
Introduction equipment, and gear, rules and knowledge,
Outdoor sports have always held a special teamwork, mental toughness, and last but
place in India’s cultural and recreational not least sportsmanship.
landscape. From the serene foothills of the
Himalayas to the coastal fringes of the Indian Sports Equipment across India
subcontinent, the nation boasts a diverse Materials like rubber, leather, or synthetic
terrain that’s conducive to a wide array of materials for the outer cover of different
outdoor activities. This article will explore balls such as soccer balls, basketballs, tennis
the various facets of outdoor sports in India, balls, etc. The inner bladder can be made
including government initiatives, the sports of latex or butyl. Balls are stitched or glued
culture, the production of sports goods, the together to create the outer shell. The inner
establishment of a Sports University, and bladder is inflated. Graphite, aluminum, or
other noteworthy endeavors. wood contribute to the manufacturing of
rackets. After high inspection of rackets in
Government Efforts terms of string tension, weight, balance, etc.
The Indian government has recognized the the rackets are sent to the competitions.
importance of outdoor sports in promoting Even shoe designs have now widened
a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being. across the country along with the increased
Initiatives like ‘Khelo India’ and ‘Fit India’ have manufacturing facilities in India. Various
been launched to encourage participation materials, such as synthetic leather, mesh,
in sports at the grassroots level. These and rubber, are chosen for different parts of
programs provide financial support, training, the shoe.
and infrastructure to nurture young talents The durability of shoes is a higher focus. The
and promote sports at the ground level. manufacturing process involves advanced
technologies and automation, especially
Sports Culture in India for mass production. Manufacturers follow
India’s rich cultural heritage is intertwined strict quality control measures to ensure
with various forms of outdoor sports such that the sports equipment meets safety
as Kabaddi, Cricket, Kho-Kho, and Hockey. standards and performance requirements.
These sports have a passionate following Additionally, custom and handmade sports
and often serve as a source of national pride. equipment may involve more detailed
Furthermore, the rise of adventure sports like craftsmanship. Jalandhar, a city in the
trekking, mountaineering, and river rafting state of Punjab, is often referred to as the
has captured the younger generation’s “Sports City of India” known for its cricket
imagination, contributing to a vibrant sports equipment manufacturing. It is a hub for
culture. producing bats, balls, protective gear, and
accessories. Various cities in India, including
Participation Requirements Ludhiana (Punjab) and Tirupur (Tamil
The requirements for participating in sports Nadu), are known for manufacturing sports
can vary depending on the specific sport apparel, including jerseys, sportswear, and
and the level of competition. Some common accessories such as caps and bags. These
elements and requirements that are manufacturing facilities often employ skilled
generally important for sports participation craftsmen and workers who have expertise
are physical fitness, skills, and training, in creating sports equipment. Many of
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