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Reviving Hockey in India
The Power of Marketing
- Varuna Gundecha
Introduction and behind-the-scenes access can
Once the pride of India, hockey has faced generate interest.
a decline in popularity over the years, and 2.Youth Programs: Invest in programs to find
marketing has played a vital role in this and nurture young talent. Promote success
transformation. This article discusses how stories of aspiring players through marketing
marketing can campaigns.
influence the fate of a sport like hockey in 3. Local Leagues: Develop local hockey
India and suggests some straightforward leagues to build a strong domestic structure.
strategies to boost its appeal. These leagues can engage the local
community and generate support.
The Glorious History 4. National Hockey League Model: Consider
Hockey has a deep-rooted history in India, a franchise-based system, similar to the
with a legacy that dates back to the early 20th NHL, to create regional loyalties, excitement,
century. It used to be a symbol of national and competition.
pride and brought numerous Olympic gold 5. Celebrate Legends: Pay tribute to legendary
medals and World Cup victories to the hockey players through documentaries and
country. marketing campaigns. Their stories can
inspire the younger generation.
The Role of Marketing 6. School and College Integration:
The lack of effective marketing has Collaborate with educational institutions
contributed significantly to the decline of to introduce hockey into the curriculum.
hockey in India. Unlike cricket, which has Organize school and college tournaments.
enjoyed widespread attention, hockey has 7. Marketing Partnerships: Partner with
struggled to engage with the masses. Here’s marketing agencies to revamp hockey’s
why marketing is essential: image and attract investment.
1.Visibility: Cricket is everywhere, from TV 8. Celebrity Endorsements: Involve popular
to ads. Hockey, on the other hand, has celebrities and athletes to endorse hockey.
less visibility. More televised matches and This can attract a wider audience.
marketing efforts are needed. 9. Fan Engagement: Include fans in decision-
2.Youth Engagement: Cricket appeals to making processes, such as team names and
the youth with its excitement and glamour. mascots, to create a sense of belonging.
Hockey needs to make itself appealing to 10. Multilingual Coverage: Offer content in
young fans, and marketing can help with various languages to make hockey more
that. accessible to people from different regions.
3.Sponsorships: Sponsors provide funding
for sports. Effective marketing can attract Conclusion
sponsors and lead to better facilities and Hockey can regain its lost glory in India with
investment in hockey. effective marketing. A united effort from
sports authorities, sponsors, media, and
Marketing Ideas for Hockey fans is crucial to bring hockey back into
To make hockey India’s favourite sport again, the spotlight. Through simple marketing
here are some simple marketing ideas: strategies, India can rekindle its love for
1.Online Presence: Create an official website hockey and celebrate the history and future
and use social media platforms to reach of this beloved sport.
fans. Regular updates, interactive content,
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