Page 47 - CONNECT 2023-24
P. 47

source of energy for the body. Excess of this             may  benefit  from  taking  multivitamin
       leads  to excess  of  unused energy  which  is            supplements. Hydration for athletes is
       stored in the body for later use in the form              also essential to maintain normal blood
       of  body  fat.  Protein  is  the  building  block         circulation because this aids the delivery
       of muscles. Dietary fat is responsible for                of nutrients and oxygen to every working
       several important functions like cell growth,             muscle in the body.
       absorption of vital nutrients, controlling                When it comes to playing a sport, having
       cholesterol  and blood  pressure,  etc. The               pre and post-workout meals boosts your
       ultimate fitness goal for the respective sport            performance  and  also  gives  optimum
       is determined by the daily calorie intake and             results. A pre-workout meal should have all
       monitoring where these calories come from.                three macronutrients with a good amount
       A daily caloric surplus diet is associated with           of  protein.  Branched  Chain  Amino  Acids
       weight  or  muscle  gain  whereas  a  caloric             can be taken in the form of a supplement
       deficit is associated with weight or fat loss.            during a workout to prevent muscle loss if
       The daily calorie intake is calculated based              you train on an empty stomach. The post-
       on your calorie expenditure and this intake               workout meal should have a good amount
       is divided among the three macronutrients.                of quick absorbing protein like whey protein
       One gram of Fat has 9 calories  while a                   supplement along with simple carbs
       gram  of  Protein  and  Carbohydrate  each                coming from fruits to boost your energy
       has 4 calories. A calorie intake equal to the             levels. Consuming fats is avoided and it
       expenditure  results  in the  maintenance of              makes the overall absorption process slow
       weight.                                                   and the muscles need protein immediately
       Micronutrients too are necessary for                      to recover from the fatigue.
       optimal  metabolic  body  functions  such                 Getting results on the field is next to impossible
       as energy production, muscle growth, and                  without  following  a  proper  diet.  But  I  feel
       recovery, which are all important for sports              that dieting should not only be followed by
       performance. Meeting the daily intake                     athletes. We all should eat healthy when we
       requirement of micronutrients is essential                eat natural food and stop consuming ultra-
       for athletes, and while a balanced diet                   processed food. Sugar is the main culprit in
       that includes healthy lean protein sources,               many diseases which should be cut down
       whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is                   totally from the diet. Making small changes
       generally sufficient, athletes who are unable             in  our diet  can  lead  to huge  results  in  our
       to meet their micronutrient needs due to                  daily performance.
       malabsorption  or  specific  deficiencies

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