Page 29 - E- Connect 2021
P. 29

Who Is He?

                              Aditya Puranik
                              Aditya Puranik

          As  the  town  grows  weary  and  begins  to  drift
      ARTICLES  away , one light bur ns, bur y  and  begins  to  drift   He is no one yet he is everyone.
                                                                  He is the person next door and he also is
        away, one light burns, burns brighter than the ns brighter than the
        entire day. The sun goes down and the clatter
        entire day. The sun goes down and the clatter  the person you dream to be. He is the one
        on the streets along with it. One by one, people  you envy and he is the one you respect.
                                                                  He is all you never can be but all you ever
        turn off lamps and fold into the warmth of their
        beds. But one soul sits determined, more than  want to be. He is none other than You!!
        ever, without the slightest thought of rest or sleep.     He     is    none     other     than     Me!!
        Sitting in his study, his mind begins to stray. From  He is what you think of him to be...
        topic to topic, the jumps seem both endless and  He is strong and he is weak for your thoughts
        mindless, but to him, it makes perfect sense.  and action shape him and break him. He is
        Thought after thought his mind grows sharp and  nothing special. He is one of the many faces
        he  delves  further  and  farther  into  the  realm  of  that make up the crowd.
        fantasy.                                                  In fact, he is the crowd!!
          Its way past sunset, but he still sits, all alone,      He strives to be special, tries to stand out
        burning  the  midnight  oil.  With  dedication  more  from the crowd, But is part of the same race
        than that of everybody combined he is bound to  and in pursuit of fame
        seek what he is looking for. With his lamp casting        He becomes just another part of a million
        the sole light on the street, his life is no different  different Hes. He is the guy that lost the girl of
        than it. A vast unknown future with endless  his dreams
        possibilities  but little direction or guidance  to       But he is also the one who hopes to get
        carry on. And just like the flame sways with the  the girl of his dreams. He is responsible yet
        cool night breeze, his future alters too.               makes silly errors
          Time flies by and the clock strikes each hour, but       He is knowledgeable yet has a lot to learn
        the night doesn’t seem to end and neither do the          He has pride but humility comes naturally
        questions. From lost love to future relationships,  to him.
        from past regrets to new mistakes he wonders              He has given up on life, but life is yet to give
        on and on. From hope to worry and then back to  up on him. Again I say,
        hope the thoughts just don’t seem to leave him            He is you And he is me
        alone...                                                  He is just another average nobody Who
          His face is calm and his demeanour calmer. But  dreams to be a somebody And if you say
        his heart is confused and his head can explode            That he is not You,
        with anxiety anytime now. He wants to speak but           I say, think again my friend Look within and
        there’s no one to listen. He wants to write but ends  all I’ve said
        up with blank pages...                                    Might just start to make a little sense...
          And now you may begin to wonder “Who is this
        peculiar person?”, “Why do we talk about him?”
        and “Why does he seem so strange yet familiar?”.
          Herein  lies  the  answer  to  all  you  worries  my
        dear reader:

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