Page 31 - Connect 2022-23
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2. Experienced Faculty : The professors at We had many obstacles throughout our
IMDR College are highly experienced and time at IMDR College. The hard deadlines
competent in their respective disciplines. and intense courses were challenging, but
They contribute practical experience and the faculty members were always there
knowledge to the classroom, which students to encourage us. They went above and
value. above to ensure that we understood the
course material and pushed us to think
3. Personal mentoring sessions : Personal critically and creative. Another part of IMDR
mentoring sessions are held once in a week College that we loved was the availability
for each student at our college. Each student of extracurricular activities. The institution
is assigned a faculty mentor with whom offered a wide variety of communities and
we may discuss and resolve professional organisations, and we were able to select
and personal issues. Mentoring sessions one that matched our interests, which
have also been quite beneficial in terms helped us to improve upon our public
of developing and growing our internship speaking abilities and confidence. These
experiences. extracurricular activities allowed us to
improve network with students from various
4. General awareness sessions : Our courses and form connections that we will
faculty members provide knowledge about treasure for the rest of our life. Overall, our
the present happenings. They focus on the time at IMDR College was a memorable one.
routine happenings of the news and current We shall carry our education and principles
affairs around the world. It helps us to the with us for the rest of our life. we are grateful
correct understanding of the things and to the professors, students, and everyone at
situations around us. the college who assisted us along the road.
We are certain that the information and
abilities we have acquired at IMDR College
would be useful to us in the years to come.
Article by:
Aanchal Jaiswal
Aanchal Khivansara
Aarushi Singh
Abhay Rode
Abhishek Gupta
27 2022-23