Page 24 - IMDR JOURNAL- 2022
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fact, 90% of buyers rely their purchasing decisions on the packaging of the goods.
          The shopping experience is largely influenced by shape, colour, font, dimension, material, and graphic. 2014
          (Kauppinen-Räisänen) (27). Furthermore, an informational section regarding the product must be included
          in the package to improve communication with the ultimate buyer. Every word matters in the attempt to
          reach the end user, which is why the message must be as clear as possible in relation to the available area.

          Furthermore, an eco-label and green packaging material are the most natural ways to display product
          features  connected  to  sustainability,  because  they  directly  give  information  such  as  the  product's
          manufacturing cycle, origin, and environmental footprint (Zhang and Dong, 2020) (28). Furthermore,
          circular eco-labels have been shown to increase consumer buying desire (Xu et al., 2012) (29). An eco-label
          will encourage people to think more positively about green items. Because of good views toward eco-
          labelled items, as well as positive feelings toward eco-labels in general, an increasing number of customers
          are influenced by eco-labels in their purchasing decisions (Heino, 2012; Nguyen & Du, 2010) (30) (33).
          Because eco-labelled cosmetics are so popular, numerous brands see the adoption of an eco-label as a chance
          to boost sales. Non-official eco-labels, which claim that a cosmetic product has green features, are also
          available on the contemporary cosmetic market. According to research, these declared green attributes are
          not present in the product or are only partially present, resulting in a poor level of faith in eco-labels.
          Gallastegui (2002) (31). The influence on the purchase decision of ecolabel items demonstrates the need of
          enhancing the level of reliability in eco-label. When it comes to purchasing eco-labelled items, people value
          honesty above everything else.

                       Here the significance value (p-value=0.001) is less than 0.05, this shows that the model fits the
                                           data significantly better than the null model.

                          For Product Eco-Labels p-value <0.05, this indicates that the product Eco-labels has a
                 statistically significant corelation with the consumer decision making to buy a sustainable cosmetic product.

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