Page 15 - LINKPIN 2023-24
P. 15

Yet, IMDR was more than just a launching             IMDR, coupled with the importance of integrity
          pad for my career; it was a melting pot of            and passion, has been the cornerstone of my
          experiences that shaped me holistically.              success. And to those who aspire to follow in
          The emphasis on ethical values and global             my footsteps, I offer this advice: dream big but
          perspectives, coupled with engaging in co-            anchor your dreams  in a strong foundation
          curricular  activities  like  stage  shows,  instilled   of  knowledge,  diligence,  and  empathy.  Stay
          in me a sense of confidence and adaptability          grounded, yet reach for the stars, knowing that
          crucial for success in any field.                     with dedication and perseverance, anything is
           However, what truly set IMDR apart was the           possible.
          sense of community it fostered. The friendships        In essence, my college journey at IMDR
          forged within its walls transcended the               was a symphony of growth, resilience, and
          bounds of mere camaraderie; they became               camaraderie—a testament to the profound
          akin  to  family,  providing  unwavering  support     impact of higher education when coupled
          and camaraderie that endure to this day.              with genuine mentorship and a nurturing
          From exhilarating picnics to late-night study         environment. As I look back on those formative
          sessions, every moment spent with my IMDR             years, I am filled with gratitude for the institution
          family is etched in my heart forever.                 that not only shaped my career but sculpted
           As I embarked on my journey beyond                   me into the person I am today—a lifelong
          college, I carried with me not just a degree          learner, a compassionate leader, and a proud
          but a treasure trove of lessons that continue         alumna of IMDR.
          to guide me. The belief in myself instilled by                         (As narrated to Tanaya Mulay)

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