Page 21 - LINKPIN 2023-24
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and sustainable relationships. extracurricular experiences that left a
As I navigate through the corridors of memory, permanent mark on my heart; it was the
certain moments and places stand out like people—the diverse tapestry of souls that
beacons of warmth and familiarity. Among walked the corridors of IMDR. Each person
them, the common room (where an aroma of brought their own stories, struggles, and
laughter prevailed), Room No. 12 (which was triumphs, weaving together a rich tapestry
more than just a classroom), the canteen, and of experiences that illuminated my path and
the iconic IMDR stairs hold a special place in my enriched my journey. IMDR wasn’t just a place
heart—a place where I found peace, friendships, of learning for me; it was where I found solace
and inspiration during the ups and downs of during life’s storms, where I discovered the true
my academic life. Every spare moment, every meaning of friendship and professionalism,
stolen minute of bunked lectures was spent and where I unearthed the courage to chase
in the common room—a haven of laughter, my dreams relentlessly.
chatter, and shared dreams. It was here that The institute played a pivotal role in shaping
friendships blossomed, bonds strengthened, my professional trajectory as well. I am
and memories etched themselves into grateful for the opportunities it provided
the very fabric of my being. Whether me, including an internship in my
engaged in chatter or simply basking first year and placement in my final
in the warmth of companionship, the year in reputed organizations. These
common room was a place where I experiences not only built my skills
found solace in the company of like- but also inculcated in me a sense of
minded people. My involvement confidence and preparedness for the
in the cultural committee for two corporate world.
years further deepened my bond One of the highlights of my journey
with IMDR. Starting as a volunteer at IMDR was representing our institute
in my first year and eventually alongside a friend in T20, a part of
taking on the role of an event the G20 India Summit 2023. It was
facilitator for prestigious events a humbling experience to engage
like KSHITIJ’ 23 and SANSKRITI’ with aspirational young minds from
22 and other events, allowed across the country and contribute
me to contribute to the vibrant our perspectives to important
cultural legacy of the institute. discussions on global issues.
IMDR provided me with ample
As I look back on my time at
opportunities to translate
IMDR, I am filled with gratitude for
theoretical knowledge into practical
the memories made, the lessons
application through organizing
learned, and the relationships
intercollegiate events. These
forged. IMDR will always hold a
experiences not only tested my
special place in my heart, and I
management and leadership
am confident that the experiences
skills but also fostered a spirit
and learnings from this journey
of innovation and creativity
will continue to guide me in all my
within me.
future endeavors. I carry with me a
But it wasn’t just tapestry of memories, each thread
the academic and woven with love, laughter,
tears, and growth.
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