P. 114
R is the Link between the examined and supposed
value of a dependent variable. In addition, R is
squared root of R-Squared. From the Regression
table R Square shows the percentage of total
variation of dependent variable – Positive
Economic Impact can be explained by increase in
turnover, increase is employment opportunities,
increase in asses base, expansion of business,
increase in new market.
R Square explains how well the sample regression
line fits the data. In this research R square is noted
(.263) which means that 26.30% of variations in
the dependent variable (Positive Economic impact)
is explained by these independent variables under
the study (Table No. 21).
The ANOVA (Table No.22) indicated that there is
a significant relationship between the variables
under study (F = 15.320, Sig. = 0.000 <0.05).
H08: Outcomes of Mudra loan is not contributing
towards the overall economic growth of the
Ha8: Outcomes of Mudra loan is contributing
towards the overall economic growth of the