Page 43 - NITI - Navigating Indian Traditions in Industry
P. 43
1. Identification of Risks/Toxins:
Agada Tantra identifies and addresses the causes of physical toxins and harmful
imbalances in the body.
Risk management identifies and assesses various business risks, such as financial,
operational, regulatory, or reputational, and works to prevent or mitigate these
Both emphasize the need for early detection to avoid larger issues. Just as Ayurvedic
practitioners work to understand the origins of toxins in the body, businesses must
understand where risks arise to prevent harm.
2. Prevention:
Agada Tantra focuses heavily on preventive measures, such as detoxification, healthy
lifestyle choices, and dietary adjustments to avoid the buildup of toxins in the body.
Risk management incorporates preventive measures like internal audits, risk
assessments, compliance programs, and ethics training to avoid potential business
failures or legal consequences.
Both systems stress that it is better to prevent harm before it occurs rather than
dealing with its consequences.
3. Restoration:
In Ayurveda, Agada Tantra helps restore balance by using specific remedies and
treatments to detoxify and heal the body.
In business, when risks materialize into crises, risk management and ethics compliance
strategies are used to restore the company to a state of stability and adherence to
ethical practices.
The idea of restoration is central to both Ayurveda and modern business practices,
where both aim to return to a state of health and well-being after exposure to risk or
2.9 Ayurvedic Concept: Jara (Geriatrics)
Jara, or geriatrics, is the branch of Ayurveda that focuses on the care and management
of aging individuals. It addresses the physical, mental, and spiritual changes that occur
in the body as it ages, and aims to preserve health, prevent diseases, and improve
the quality of life for elderly individuals. Ayurveda views aging as a natural process
that can be managed effectively by maintaining balance in the body’s doshas, dhatus
(tissues), and agni (digestive fire). Jara emphasizes the prevention of age-related
health issues and promotes strategies for longevity, vitality, and a fulfilling life.
The goal of Jara is not only to extend life but also to enhance the quality of life by
addressing the challenges of aging in a holistic and individualized manner.