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each  other,  which  is  essential  to  strengthen  the   as it affects our behavior and physical health. And the
         relationships. Even during family dinners and outings,   people around us become the victim of our irritation,
         instead of spending time on relishing the food, getting   mental  fatigue  and  mood  swings  due  to  sleep
         nostalgic  about  good  experiences,  strengthening     deprivation.
         family  bonds  and  enjoying  togetherness,  we  keep   Isn’t it a lack of freedom to live happy and peaceful
         ourselves  busy  over  phone  calls  or  messages  and   life?  Has  technological  advancement  and  virtual
         exchanging updates.                                     connectivity invaded our personal life considerably?

         When parents are busy with their smart phones, they     Do we really spend quality time with loved ones? Do
         have fewer conversations with their children and are    we still have such friends who are always there for us
         more unwelcoming when their kids try to get their       through  thick  and  thin?  Unfortunately,  we  have
         attention. The over use of gadgets has impinged on the   become slaves to these mechanized lives, bound by
         parent-child  interactions,  which  may  lead  to       shackles of insecurities, inferiority, competition and a
         relationship  imbalance.  Many  young  children  are    strong yearning to accumulate more than others.
         facing issues with their academics. Poor spelling, bad   This is a time to realize the extent up to which we can
         hand  writing,  inability  to  focus  on  studies  etc.  are   permit this virtual world to invade our personal lives.
         causing concern to teachers, parents and, society as    There is need to limit the time we spend engaging with
         well.  Research  has  revealed  that  more  the  children   technology and rely on our own cognitive capabilities.
         spend time on social networking sites, more they are
                                                                 We have to pave our own way to get freedom from this
         losing their natural capacity to interact and express
                                                                 overdependence on technology, freedom to enjoy our
         themselves in person.
                                                                 own  life  in  our  own  way  without  any  pressure  of
         After a busy working day when we need a sound sleep,    updating posts and be liked by others, time to be self-
         we are often reacting to notifications on phone and      disciplined and to set our own priorities in life, time to
         sometimes responding to messages even at 3 am. With     enjoy the simplicity and grace of life.
         this sleep deprivation we can’t think of healthy minds,
                                                                 Think about it...

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