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"Books are my refuge as well as source of rejuvenation. influenced my thinking.
In addition to reading new and ever-engaging books, I Books are described in various ways. Books are man’s
also like to revisit books I’ve read and enjoyed in the best friend....and so on. To me, however, books have
past. It’s like meeting old friends! Some of my old always meant much more... When I open a book, be it
friends from IMDR library are: fiction or non-fiction, I enter a whole new magical
1. Yuganta by Irawati Karve world. From the first page to the last, it’s like embarking
2. It’s not luck by Eli Goldratt on a new adventure every time. I have read a lot and
3. Blink by Malcolm Gladwell would love to read more. Frank Zappa has said it so well
“So many books, So little time!!! ”
4. Better by Atul Gawande and
Rasika Datar, Alumni MBA1986-88
5. Rejection Proof by Ji Jiang."
"Books have opened my mind to newer imaginations,
Dr. Giribala Dewasthale, Faculty IMDR
uplifted me when I was down and made me realize that
"Books: My best friends since childhood. As a person, I
in many ways all human stories are the same..."
would describe myself as an introvert who was shy to
Gurucharan Singh Gandhi, Alumni PGDM
interact with the world, yet, I wanted to explore and
1999-2000 and author of the book “Kabeer In
develop an understanding of the world, and that's when
I joined a library. Korporates: Corporate Lessons from A Great
Robinson Crusoe, Old Man and the Sea, Treasure Island
"I was terrified of entering kindergarten, it was difficult
are some of the earlier books I read, which helped me
understand the life, conditions and mindset in many for a shy, small, fairly ugly child to fit in with the other
kids. To add to my misery, I realized I was struggling to
parts of the world.
follow the alphabet written on the blackboard. I wasn’t
One of the difficulties I faced was I was not very
even halfway through and teacher would erase the
familiar with Victorian English and often didn't know
board. All the other children seemed to be doing just
what a particular term or word meant. So, I started
fine, except me!
keeping a dictionary for reference. Slowly, I developed
This went on much to the class teacher’s frustration and
the ability to understand the meaning of words in a
school became unbearable for me.
particular context and also improved my vocabulary.
Later, when I joined IMDR, I noticed all the employees I hated feeling slow and inadequate and from there
here are very well-read and the library has a rich came the determination to learn to read and write. I
collection of books on a variety of subjects. Even today, loved stories so I started trying to read comics and
I borrow regularly and try to read on new interesting simple storybooks.
topics." As the world of make believe drew me in, my appetite
Dr. Parikshit Mahankal, Faculty IMDR grew and my inquisitiveness became unquenchable. I
started reading everything I could lay my hands on,
"Simplest way I can express about the role played by
books in my life is, books made me. making my mother buy more and more books!
At that time, I didn’t realize how much I was growing
I have been reading anything and everything I could lay
my hands Marathi and in English. through these stories, both in intellect and character.
Looking back, I am glad that there was some sense of
Reading not only brought me knowledge but created an
wounded pride in me that spurred me on to discover this
appetite for the same. Knowledge gave me confidence,
amazing, fascinating world of books and literature that
confidence gave me right attitude, attitude changed my
to this day remains both joy and refuge. "
personality and personality helped me carve a career."
Ashwini Gadgil Nair, Alumni PGDM 1990-92
Prof. Dilip Randive, Faculty IMDR
" Books have given me windows to peek into the minds
The first book was written on papyrus in ancient Egypt
of geniuses. They've shaped my worldview and also
in the rule of King Nefertiti Kakai in about 2400 B. C.
altered them. Besides knowledge, they have given me
Needless to say, since then books have played an
laughter, wonder, anger and delight. Books make me
important role in the lives of people!
travel through places and time without having to move
Since I have been managing an Advertising Agency and
an inch. They are the best friends I have, and ever will. "
have also been a copywriter, books have played a
Buddhaditya Roy, Alumni PGDM 2000-02.
special role in my life. Be it prose or poetry, both have