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Working Women: The Modern Womaniya

                               Since  time  immemorial,  men     My Mom:
                               and women have slogged it out     To begin with I would like to share with two unusual
                               first  for  survival,  then  decent   thing,my  mother  was  born  on  29th  February  1948,
                               living  and  finally  for  a       that’s right her birthday came every four years as she
                               p r o s p e r o u s   l i v i n g .   I n   was born on the additional day of the year,I always said
                               anthropological evolution with    you are only 25% of your real age, Secondly,I learnt
                               the  environmental  conditions    discipline from my mom & love from my dad; most of
           Dr. Parikshit Mahankal  being  harsh  &  the  natural   the world relates to these two things the other way
         ability to give birth , the females were sociologically   round but in my house, my mom  did the disciplining
         considered  close  to  the  home  with  tasks  like    the   part to a large extent, being in charge of two boys who
         rearing  of  cattle,  upbringing  the  kids  in  the    have disregard for instructions was a tough job, but
         family,cooking food etc. slowly the social narrative    before    we  were  born,  my  mother  worked  with
         was  warped  into  connotations  of  pride,  religious   Hindustan  Aeronautics  Limited  (HAL)  and  was  a
         traditions and educational norms.                       valued employee there, but since dad was working in

         Women slowly got relegated into doing more work but     Pune, she had to shift to Pune, later she picked up jobs
         with less cognizance being taken, in essence when she   in  Philips  and  TELCO  (  now  TATA  Motors)
         was  a  daughter,  she  was  supposed  to  tend  to  the   respectively.
         younger siblings, learn to cook, tend cattle and uphold   I remember I was 6 months old when she re-joined and
         family  values  and  pride. As  a  daughter-in-law,  the   for next 4 odd years, she worked.
         responsibilities only multiplied; now she additionally
                                                                 In 1983, the untimely demise of her brother gave her a
         had  to  help  her  husband  in  business/agriculture,
                                                                 terrible shock,he was the only brother and she had six
         produce & look after upbringing of children and also
                                                                 other sisters, she went into a coma and was in that state
         manage the finances of the house.
                                                                 for 21 days, my elder brother must have been about 5th
         The  distribution  of  work  even  in  post  industrial   grade and I was in 1st grade. When she came out of
         revolution remained heavily skewed in favour of the     coma, we detected she had her entire left side of the
         males with shop floor conditions,lack of facilities and   body, paralysed, so, she used to ask us kids to host her
         tough working hour made the industrialists resort to    in a chair which we slowly moved to kitchen and she
         what is known as the differential wage system wherein   used to guide my elder brother on how to cook food.
         women  commanded  lesser  wages  than  their  male
                                                                 She never gave up and eventually, with the help of
         counterparts due to this perception, same was the case
                                                                 physiotherapy  and  self-  determination  she  regained
         while working as a farm hand.
                                                                 mobility, but with limited movement, she decided that
         Towards the middle of the 21st century technology       she may not be able to travel and deftly work as she
         took over things;and became a great gender equaliser.   was used to earlier, instead, she decided and started a
         The introduction of IT in late 90s opened up avenues    small time shop, a general store at my home itself,  she
         for women in services sector and offered them pays      had  never  done  business  before,  but  I  watched  her
         compatible to their male peers.                         negotiate  with  salesman,  convince  salesmen  who
         Today,  women  are  challenging  the  proverbial  glass   wouldnot visit our shop earlier to come and deliver, we
         ceiling and many are breaking it with aplomb too! The   didn’t have a shop for almost 1 km vicinity that time,
         current director of IMDR,Dr.Shikha Jain is IMDR’s       so it was tough,  many people preferred shopping with
         first female director in it’s 45 years history!          us because of trust and quality factors, We successfully
         When I started to write this article, I had two persons   managed  the  shop  for  more  than  two  decades  and
         prominently in my mind,my mother and my wife; I am      eventually  had  to  close  it  post  her  demise  ,but  she
         going to try and narrate how they have shaped my        taught  me  so  many  things,  she  used  to  repeat  her
         views about women in general and working women in       favourite lines to me all the time,”Duniya mein rehna
         particular. Further, I will also present my views about   hai to kaam kar pyaare, haath jod sab ko salaam kar
         my organisation’s workforce.                            pyaare”, I was in my teens then and in my youthful
                                                                 exuberance, I sometimes came across as brash and

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