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Career Enhancement
the Courses
System Application and Products (SAP) is a leading
software enterprise that manages business operations
and customer relationships. The SAP University
Alliance Program is a global endeavour that provides
university faculty members with the tools necessary to
IBM Business Analytics teach students how technology can enable integrated
In Collaboration with: Deccan Education Society’s business processes and strategic thinking. This program
DES Center for Skill Development and Innovations also teaches students the skill which helps them stand
(DESCSDI) out in the market.
SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION Students at IMDR are given hands-on training on ERP
Admission Procedure Self-Driven Learning System PROGRAM systems under the SAP University Alliance Program.
The selection procedure at IMDR is a unique The Deccan Education Society’s heritage of self-reliance They study the SAP modules like Financial Accounting
blend of Behavioural Event Interviewing (BEI) and self-renewal underlies the Self Driven Learning As rightly quoted ‘Data is the oil of the 21st century. and Controlling Sales and Distribution Material
and Group Work wherein the students are System (SDLS) at IMDR. The students take responsibility Several organizations use Business Intelligence (BI) and Management and Supply Chain and Human Capital
personally interviewed by our faculty members for their own learning. Along with this, the basic norms Business Analytics (BA) to make data-driven decisions Management.
and are also asked to perform tasks in small of academic performance are maintained. This includes so as to optimize their business processes. IMDR students have utilized ‘my SAP business suite’
groups. Along with this, the scores of various both curricular and co-curricular activities. Most of the as an educational tool to integrate classroom learning
entrance tests are considered for selection. The activities on campus are Student-driven. CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE and application-based learning.
selection is purely based on the competencies
of the applicants. The purpose is to create an opportunity for students CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS ANALYTICS
to experience freedom of thought, expression and
action and make them less dependent on faculty CERTIFICATE IN DATA SCIENCE
Instructional System Design and the system for their learning. Thus, SDLS focuses
Methodology on developing students to take charge of their own With the advent of technology, the business world
The curriculum at IMDR is inspired by the learning and become competent performers who now is growing at an astonishing rate. Information is
Instructional System Design Methodology contribute to their own growth, the growth of the the lifeline of every company. To generate, process and
(ISDM) wherein all the subjects in the system as well as the progress of the society. transform information into useful data, organisations
curriculum are linked horizontally in each use state-of-the-art technology, Automation, Robotics, Digital Marketing
semester and vertically across semesters. The Dual Specialization Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. The demand for digital marketers is growing rapidly.
first semester comprises foundation subjects IMDR offers Dual Specialization to its students. To help our students seize these new opportunities, Today, people have adapted to digital means for almost
where basic disciplines of management are Students have to opt for a Major and Minor help them grow with the data-driven world and everything. IMDR has tied up with IMS Proschool to
taught. The second semester emphasizes specialization area. Of the 10 elective subjects, 6 are become proficient with data, DES and IBM have entered provide a certificate in Digital Marketing from National
processes in organizations and functional in their Major specialization and 4 are in the Minor into a partnership. IMDR students have the opportunity Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
subjects. The knowledge for decision-making specialization. This gives them the ability to perform to take short-term IBM International Certification
and problem solving is derived from the tasks in more than one domain in their entry-level jobs Programs in Business Intelligence, Business Analytics The course provides students with exposure to Google
applied functional and integrative subjects and enhances their value. It also widens the scope for and Data Science. Adwords and Google analytics. The course consists
taught in the second year. The PGDM program the students and allows them to explore the available of creating ad campaigns on Facebook, LinkedIn and
is primarily an entry-level qualification for a opportunities. These certifications are carefully crafted for students learning new skills in various Digital Media aspects like
management career. and working professionals to accelerate their career by Keyword Planning, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Search
giving them hands-on experience of working with data Engine Marketing.
and help them become more competent in the industry.
Financial Modeling
Financial Modeling is a key skill that everyone in the
Finance domain must possess. It helps the students
build a career in the areas of Investment Banking,
Equity Research, Project Finance, etc. IMDR tied up
with IMS Proschool to provide a certificate in Financial
Modeling from National Skill Development Corporation
The topics covered in the course included the building
of Models, Financial analysis, Financial management,
and Corporate finance. The students also undertake an
NSE exam after its completion.
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