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From The Chairman’s Desk

          The idea, that is the Deccan Education Society (DES),
          dawned in 1884, with the philosophy of using education                                                                                                                            From The Director’s Desk
          as a primary vector for social transformation and
          development. Through a network of 57 educational
          institutions of eminence, established over a span of                                                                                                                       Greetings from IMDR!
          more than a century, DES has been educating masses
          as well as classes. Many intellectuals, academicians,                                                                                                                      It is with great pleasure that I present you the 46th batch
          scientists, innovators, professionals, and technocrats                                                                                                                     of IMDRites, the class of 2019-21.
          who have excelled in their fields, have found their                                                                                                                        IMDR is a wonderful place for aspiring managers from
          academic awakening in the DES institutes.                                                                                                                                  diverse backgrounds to grow educationally, co-create
                                                                                                                                                                                     the knowledge environment, have a meaningful learning
          The contemporary era is the era of competition and                                                                                                                         experience, and achieve their individual success.
          career-focused individuals. Our education process                                                                                                                          Developing them is a team effort. We endeavor to craft
          develops entrepreneurship and enhances employability.                                                                                                                      a learning space where every student is extended the
          Our institutions have risen to the challenges of making                                                                                                                    necessary attention.
          tech-led education accessible, acceptable, affordable,
          and usable.                                                                                                                                                                Our curriculum, course offerings, co- and extra-curricular

          IMDR leads in preparing students to meet the                                                                                                                               offerings, and pedagogy are second to none.  This is
          challenges of an ever-dynamic corporate world through                                                                                                                      made possible by strong partnerships that are developed
          a facilitative curriculum and pedagogy. Academic,                                                                                                                          with our stakeholders –corporate, academic bodies, and
          physical, and technical resource allocation fortify the                                                                                                                    business associations.
          knowledge and skill-sets relevant and pertinent to the                                                                                                                     In every way that B-schools are measured, whether it is
          changing requirements of business and economy. We                                                                                                                          academically, in co-curricular activities and events, or in
          have made honest efforts to help students to have a                                                                                                                        sports or cultural activities, IMDR excels.
          scientific and objective outlook and become sincere and
          conscientious corporate citizens, who eventually lead in                                                                                                                   As you browse the pages of this compilation, you
          the path of peace and progress.                                                                                                                                            will notice the wealth of opportunities offered to our
                                                                                                                                                                                     students. We encourage them to take advantage of the
          In the evolving pandemic situation in India, we have                                                                                                                       possibilities and become involved in myriad activities.
          been watchful, for our priority remains the wellbeing of                                                                                                                   When students support their academic effort with sports,
          our students, staff members, and community, both on                                                                                                                        music, drama, and institute sponsored events, scholastic
          and off the campus. We have ensured the continuity of                                                                                                                      achievement improves. When students become involved
          our teaching, learning and research mission.                                                                                                                               in becoming involved, it teaches them to budget their

          IMDRites are ready to meet challenges of the corporate                                                                                                                     time, enables them a productive use of their time, and
          world. Their appetite to solve complicated problems                                                                                                                        holds them in structured, supervised settings with their
          fuels ideas into actions.                                                                                                                                                  peers with similar values and goals.
                                                                                                                                                                                     I invite you to view the profiles of aspiring managers in
          I welcome the corporate and industry professionals to                                                                                                                      this brochure. I am certain you will find bright, versatile,
          participate in the Campus Recruitment Program for the                                                                                                                      and committed young minds to take your corporate
          Batch of 2019-21. I am sure a rewarding experience this                                                                                                                    growth story forward.
          year will further coagulate our association of last 46
          years.                                                                                                                                                                     I welcome you to our Institute and look forward to your
                                                                                                                                                                                     participation on our Campus Placement Program.
          Shri Mahesh A. Athavale
          Chairman, IMDR – LMC (Local Managing Committee)                                                                                                                            Dr. Shikha Jain
          Vice Chairman, GB & Council - Deccan Education Society                                                                                                                     Director, IMDR

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