P. 16
Company Mentors Speak
“I give my sincere regards to IMDR in overseeing that even
during the pandemic times, their students get exposure to
Industry professionals, complete their internship and submit “I had hired 13 students from IMDR as summer interns
their reports on time. The student intern has also been very in 2020. 3 interns were from Human Resources, 7 from
dedicated, hard-working and diligent in her approach in Finance, 2 from Marketing, and 1 from Operations
carrying out the given assignment with minimal or limited specializations. I had a positive experience in working with
guidance. these interns. Together we wrote blogs and research papers
in addition to a few other projects.” I would like to thank
I wish all the students a very engaging and successful the Placements & Internships Team for facilitating this
placement season ahead.” Dr. Sachin Mohan Bhide collaboration “.
Shivam Tekriwal Founder & Strategy Designer | Eha
Vice President | Edelweiss ARC Management Consultancy
“We had engaged an intern from IMDR in the domain
of Human Resources. The intern was very sincere and
innovative in the work assigned. Positive approach and “Working with one of your students, during the lockdown
values inculcated by IMDR reflected in working of students.” affected by COVID-19, was a very new and good experience.
Our offices were shut and everyone was working remotely.
So, it was expected that the new trainee, for whom it was a
first-time work experience was tough and we expected her
Saket Walimbe
Senior Officer - Human Resources | to face difficulties. But to our surprise, she coped really well
and delivered on all work commitments. IMDR students are
Mahindra CIE Automotive Ltd. “Working with your student intern during her virtual
summer internship was a wonderful experience! Inspite of very well-read and practical in their work approach.”
working remotely, due to the current circumstances, she Ashutosh Muglikar
did a great job on the assignments she was working on Director | Propelis Consulting India
which included survey, data analysis, research, creation of Private Limited
communication tools and creatives. Thanks to IMDR and the
placement team for continuing the internship program in
spite of the current challenges. Wishing the students and
the IMDR team all the best for future!”
“It was a pleasure to have one of your students working
with us as an intern. Most of the time interns become a
Mrunmayi Joshi liability to the company but from the day one she was an
Senior Executive - Human Resources asset to the company. The clarity in thoughts, and zest to
(Chemical Division) | Thermax Ltd. learn something new and eager to go that extra mile to
achieve the deadlines and doing all this by taking the team
“We are glad to be associated with your esteemed of 10 interns along with you, summarizes the IMDR intern!
institution. There were 8 interns working with us. The The maturity she showed was beyond compare at her age,
interns were extremely sincere and dedicated students. One and it certainly shows the amount of grooming IMDR has
of the students also performed a good role as the Team done in sculpting her professional behaviour. Tremendously
Manager. We will always be happy to be associated with happy with the intern and also an employee whom I
IMDR. I would also like to extend a special thanks to the recruited from IMDR. Hoping for having more interns next
Director and the Placements and Internships Committee.” Amey Pangarkar year!”
Business Head | Aespaes Productions
Ipsita Tambat
Relationship Manager - Digital
Business | Shriram Life Insurance
Company Limited
“Working with IMDR students has been amazing! When
students come with an equal partnership on projects, the
journey becomes incredibly productive and fruitful, it felt
good to experience it with these students here.
“Would like to congratulate the interns as this has been the
Sincerity, honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness to best batch of IMDR students till date to do their internship
learn more have been distinctive qualities of these students with us at DNA Pvt Wealth. A big thanks to the Director Dr.
that really impressed me. Shikha Jain and the Placements & Internships Team for the
initiative support and coordination on their part. I would
Humble enough to learn with an open mind and brave conclude by saying that I see a bright future for all the
enough to ask questions uninhibitedly, evidently makes students passing out of this prestigious institute.”
these students fast learners and high performers. Duncan Halstead
Apoorva Mulani, Proprietor | DNA Private Wealth
Head - Human Resources and By far one of the most favourite batches of mine - they
Marketing | Alkymia Popshot make IMDR my most preferred institute!”
13 Placement Brochure 2020-2021 Placement Brochure 2020-2021 14