P. 21

IMDR Library:

 The IMDR Library is one of the best B-school libraries in
 Pune boasting a collection of books and resources from
 A Conglomeration of   various disciplines. It showcases a total of 17878 books,   OUR MEMBERSHIPS AND LINKAGES
 publications, topics, and reference sources; 845 CDs, 265
 DVDs, and 21 theses.
 Knowledge  It subscribes to 48 National and 23 International journals
 along with the CMIE Prowess IQ Database and J Gate
 IMDR Library and    (E-Journal Database). The CMIE, or Centre for Monitoring
 The Computer Centre  Indian Economy, is a leading business information provider
 and an independent think tank.

 IMDR library has also provided access to EBSCO. EBSCO
 is an intuitive online research platform that provides
 databases covering a variety of subjects for students,
 researchers, and librarians. This has helped students acquire
 knowledge from around the globe.

 Computer Lab:  Microsoft Teams:  Mahratta Chamber of Commerce
           Industries and Agriculture
 Equipped with 140 plus computers the Computer   In spite of the current challenging situation, learning
 Centre at IMDR is primarily a learning facility and   hasn’t stopped . The new semester has resumed in an
 a resource room for training, making presentations   online learning format through Microsoft Teams. This
 and working on Excel. The Centre has state of the   has proved to be useful for the students to collaborate
 art technology. both hardware and software, to meet   and learn from the faculty and the peers. It is also
 the requirements of students.  acting as a helping hand in coordinating different
 activities, events, committee work and also to connect
 Students are trained for SAP (ERP) and Excel. There   with the alumni.
 is also a separate Language Lab for language
 training. The Computer Centre, the Library, the
 Faculty Rooms, and the Office are Wi-Fi enabled.
 Internet access can also be availed by the students
 for 10 hours a day through LAN and Wi-Fi
 connections on campus.

                                                   Industry MoUs

                                           1. AnD HR SOLUTIONS LLP
                                           2. PRODIGITAS IT SERVICES PVT. LTD.

                                           3. PERENNIAL TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD.
                                           4. NIVA GROWTH CONSULTANTS

                                           5. INDO SCHÖTTLE AUTO PARTS PVT.LTD

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