Page 15 - CONNECT 2023-24
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Evolution of Hockey In India
- Pranav Parad
India has long been a consistent Hockey England and Ireland played the first
powerhouse from generation to generation, international match in 1895. Hockey was first
the promised land where young players included in the modern Olympic Games in
could go to become world-class players the year 1908.
and win trophies domestically on the world
stage, and the Olympics. With 8 Olympic Birth Of Hockey In India
gold medals belonging to the Men in blue. Hockey arrived in India via British regiments
But the fact that seven of them won during its and soon became one of the most established
golden eras – 1920s to 1960s – is nevertheless sports in the country. Hockey was Britisher’s
a surprise. favorite pastime after cricket. The first hockey
club in India was established in Calcutta
History and Origin in 1885-86, and Bombay and Punjab soon
Hockey is one of the sports that evolved followed suit. The Indian hockey team won its
from prehistoric man’s pleasure of stick and first Olympic gold medal without conceding
ball games. It is a game played on a field by a single goal in its Olympic debut at the
two teams using curved sticks and a small 1928 Amsterdam Games. The magician of
hardball. It originated in Asia, and authorities Indian hockey legend Dhyan Chand was the
attribute its invention to Persia around 2000 defining feature of this resilient dominance.
BC. The origins of hockey can be traced back From 1928 to 1956, the ruthless Indian Hockey
to 5000 years ago in Egypt. Hockey as we team won six consecutive Olympic gold
know it today (modern hockey) originated in medals while winning 25 games on the trot.
England. Irish hurling was the true ancestor During this golden phase, India managed to
of hockey. In 1861, the first hockey club was score 178 goals while conceding just seven.
formed in Black-heath.
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