Page 18 - CONNECT 2023-24
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7. Partnerships at the International and Local Economic Implications
Levels Despite the significant financial investment,
Tournament organisers frequently hosting major sporting events can have a
collaborate with both international and significant positive economic benefit. Here
local organisations. These collaborations are how these events help the economy:
can include monetary contributions, in-kind 1. Tourism: Major tournaments draw a global
services, or expertise. They help to alleviate audience, which boosts tourism. This flood
the financial load and guarantee the event of tourists boosts local businesses such as
runs smoothly. hotels, restaurants, and shops.
2. Infrastructure Development: Infrastructure
Expenses and Difficulties investment supports not only the event but
While large sports competitions earn a lot of also the long-term development of the host
money, they also have a lot of expenses. The city or country. Improved transit networks,
costs of organising and presenting these modernized venues, and urban development
events might be too expensive. Here are can increase the region’s attractiveness to
some of the significant costs and difficulties: tourists and enterprises.
1. Infrastructure Development: Significant 3. Job Creation: From construction workers
financing is required to construct or to event organizers, the preparation and
renovate stadiums, transportation networks, execution of a major sports tournament
and other critical infrastructure. These necessitates a large workforce. This job
investments are frequently made with long- development has the potential to benefit
term economic gains in mind, but they can both the local and national economies.
be a considerable financial burden in the 4. Branding and Image Enhancement:
immediate term. Hosting a successful event improves the host
2. Security: It is critical to ensure the safety city’s or country’s international image and
of participants, spectators, and the host city. reputation. This excellent branding has the
The expenses of security people, equipment, potential to attract additional investments
and infrastructure can be substantial. and business prospects.
3. Logistics: Transporting teams, equipment, 5. Cultural Exchange: These events
and fans to and from the tournament venue promote cultural exchange and diplomacy.
can be difficult and expensive, especially for International cooperation can result in long-
worldwide events. term ties and engagements that extend
4. Marketing and Promotion: Effectively beyond the event.
marketing a big sports competition to
a worldwide audience necessitates a Major sports tournament financing is a
considerable advertising and promotion difficult effort that requires acquiring funds
budget. This is critical in order to maximise from multiple sources, managing significant
revenue potential. expenses, and evaluating the long-term
5. Unforeseen situations, such as natural economic impact. While the financial
disasters, political unrest, or global investment is enormous, the returns, both
health crises (as seen with the COVID-19 tangible and intangible, can be significant.
pandemic), can disrupt event preparation These events not only provide a venue
and execution, resulting in unforeseen costs. for sporting brilliance, but they also act as
6. Legacy expenditures: After the tournament, catalysts for economic growth, infrastructure
host towns and countries are frequently development, and international cooperation.
required to manage the long-term As the sports business continues to evolve,
expenditures of sustaining the infrastructure understanding the financial complexities
and venues erected for the event. underlying these great events is critical for
both fans and legislators.
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