Page 23 - CONNECT 2023-24
P. 23
raider) touches the opponent players and Table tennis: Also known as ping-pong,
returns successfully to his half. table tennis is a famous indoor sport in
India – particularly among young adults.
Badminton: Badminton is an indoor sport The sport is played extensively in schools,
with massive popularity in India. Over the colleges, and neighbourhoods across India
years, the sport has produced many great and has various national tournaments in
Indian talents notable for their outstanding its name. Also, the country has produced
performances in various international several top-quality table tennis players that
tournaments. Badminton is like tennis as are well-known at international levels. The
they are both racket sports and played on a style of table tennis is like lawn tennis. It can
rectangular pitch. However, the rackets used be played between two or four players who
in badminton are designed specifically for hit a lightweight ball across a table that is
the sport, and a shuttlecock is used instead equally divided into two halves by a net. It is
of the ball used in tennis. The sport can be a sport that requires players to be physically
played between two or four players who fit, focused, and make calculated moves.
hit the shuttlecock across the net without
allowing it to bounce on their halves. A point ADVANTAGES OF INDOOR SPORTS
is scored if an opponent fails to return the In comparison to outdoor games, we
shuttlecock during a rally. Badminton is consider Indoor games as inferior when it
widely played in India because it is exciting comes to health benefits. But you know this
and has simple rules. Also, it is beneficial belief is not the actual truth. Indoor games
for staying healthy as it helps stay fit, and not only provide cherished family time on
enhances heart function and muscle Sunday afternoons, but they have a lot more
strength. to offer.
1. Keep the stress away
Bowling: Bowling is a popular indoor sport 2. An opportunity to spend time with family
played in more than ninety countries 3. Develop and nurture your cognitive skills
globally. The sport is often enjoyed among 4. Improves Hand-Eye Coordination
families and friends and has many lovers Sports are probably one of the best stress
in India. It is played as a recreation sport busters out there and individually, are known
and also helps build physical shape. It’s to lift those spirits. However, when the sun
not a professional sport but its popularity is shines bright or it pours heavily, outdoor play
getting higher and maybe one day it will be might seem far-fetched. So, we’ve compiled
included to the list with such kinds of sports a list of sports you can play indoors and
as cricket or table tennis. have a ball doing so. The best bit? You can
play this all year round and no amount of
bad weather can stop it.
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