Page 25 - CONNECT 2023-24
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to test their knowledge and skills. Interactive Sustainability and Environmental
links build relationships between fans and Responsibility
support community. In recent years, indoor parks have been
Improving Player Performance supported by important policies. Green
• Player Tracking System: Advanced player building practices, renewable energy
tracking system that uses sensors and and water conservation are integrated
camera image to track athlete’s movements into the stadium’s design. Rainwater
over time. Collect and analyze data about harvesting systems, solar panels and
the player’s pace, speed and position to energy-efficient HVAC (heating, ventilation
optimize training and improve performance. and air conditioning) systems reduce the
Coaches and players use this information stadium’s carbon footprint. Additionally,
to determine strategies for creating environmentally friendly materials and
competitive and engaging games. recycling measures can reduce waste and
• Recovery and rehabilitation: Indoor sports promote environmental responsibility in the
facilities are generally hospitals and health world of sports.
centers. - Athletes have access to physical
therapy, hydrotherapy and recovery pools Conclusion
that allow them to recover from intense Indoor stadium and ground are no longer
sports or training. These areas play an just places; These are experiences that
important role in the general health of involve understanding and developing
athletes and contribute to their performance sports. Thanks to innovation and technology,
these stadiums provide a glimpse into
the future of sports and entertainment. As
technology continues to advance, indoor
sports facilities will continue to expand
possibilities, providing athletes and fans
with an unparalleled experience.
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