Page 17 - CONNECT 2023-24
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Viewers should be inspired by the personality from the real story of the player. Real stories
and achievements rather than the personal inspire the youth to follow the path that the
life of the player. player has taken. Biopics should not convey
In my opinion, many times it is easy to see a different message to the youth. Viewers
what is dramatized and what seems to be real on the other hand should watch movies as
if watched carefully. Movies are considered creative adaptions of the players’ stories
to be a means of communication and social rather than real adaptions of the lives of the
messaging. Movies should not deviate a lot players.
Financing Major Sports Tournament
- Ishita Mishra
Major sporting events, such as the World Cup, important events in person. Ticket costs can
and the Olympics, captivate the attention range from inexpensive for regular seats
of the world and produce enormous too costly for VIP packages, all of which
enthusiasm among sports lovers. However, contribute significantly to overall revenue.
the magnificence and scale of these 3. Government Support
events necessitate similarly large financial Major sports tournaments are frequently
investments. Hosting big sports tournaments supported financially by host countries
is a multidimensional endeavour that or cities. Infrastructure development,
includes obtaining funds from a variety of transportation improvements, and venue
sources, managing expenses, and assuring building or refurbishment are usual recipients
a long-term legacy. In this post, we’ll delve of this funding. While these expenditures can
into the complex realm of major sports be significant, they are frequently regarded
tournament funding, looking at revenue as a long-term commitment to the city’s
sources, associated costs, and the economic economic growth and tourism potential.
impact of these events. 4. Merchandising
Official stuff, including as jerseys, hats,
Revenue Sources and other souvenirs, is a valuable cash
1. Advertising and Sponsorships source. Fans are keen to buy merchandise
Sponsorships are a key source of money commemorating their presence or support
for big sporting events. Corporations who of these historic events, and tournament
want to associate their names with the organisers take advantage of this desire.
prominence and global audience of these 5. Rights to Broadcasting
events spend a lot of money on sponsorship The exclusive rights to broadcast these
deals. This comprises both local and competitions are paid for by television
international businesses looking to promote networks and streaming services. This
their products and services to a large and revenue can be a substantial source of
diversified audience. Advertising is also cash, particularly for global events with a
very important. Advertising spaces during large audience.
tournament broadcasts are highly sought 6. Accommodation and Hospitality
after, with companies prepared to pay top Major tournaments draw international
prices for visibility to millions of viewers. visitors who require lodging, transportation,
2. Sales of Tickets and meals. The flood of tourists benefits
Ticket sales are another key source of hotels, restaurants, and transportation
revenue. Fans from all around the world companies tremendously, creating income
compete for the chance to attend these and helping the local economy.
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