Page 7 - Connect 2022-23
P. 7


                                         Prevention is better than cure!

        With  the  increase  in  technology  and                   The  impact  of  cyber  loafing  can  be
       the  ease  of  access  to  the  internet,  many           significant  for  businesses.  In  addition  to
       employees find themselves easily distracted               decreased  productivity,  it can  also lead
       by online activities  while at work. Cyber                to security risks, as employees may be
       loafing, also known as cyberslacking, is the              accessing websites that are not secure or
       practice  of  using  work  hours  to  engage              downloading  files  that  contain  viruses  or
       in  non-work-related  activities  online.  This           malware.  Additionally,  cyber  loafing  can
       phenomenon has become a growing                           contribute to a toxic work environment, as it
       concern  for  employers  as  it  can  lead  to            can create resentment between employees
       decreased productivity, lowered morale,                   who are working and those who are not.
       and even security breaches. In this article,
       we will explore the issue of cyber loafing and              One  way  to  prevent  cyber  loafing  is  to
       measures that can be taken to prevent it.                 establish clear policies and guidelines
                                                                 for  internet  usage  at  work.  Employers
        The rise of cyber loafing is not surprising,             should  clearly  communicate  expectations
       given  the  amount  of  time  that  people                regarding internet usage and establish
       spend online both at work and at home.                    consequences for noncompliance. This can
       Social  media  platforms,  online  shopping,              include blocking certain websites or limiting
       and entertainment websites are just a                     access to the internet altogether.
       few  examples  of  online  activities  that
       can  distract  employees  from  their  work.                Another  way  to  prevent  cyber  loafing  is
       Additionally,  the  use  of  personal  devices            to  provide  employees  with  incentives  for
       such  as  smartphones  and  tablets  at  work             remaining focused and productive at work.
       has made it easier than ever for employees                This can include bonuses or other rewards for
       to engage in online activities while on the               meeting performance targets or completing
       clock.                                                    tasks on time. Employers can also consider
                                                                 offering flexible work arrangements, such as
                                                                 telecommuting or flextime, which can help
                                                                 employees manage their workload and
                                                                 minimize distractions.

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