Page 8 - Connect 2022-23
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Another  approach  to preventing  cyber                    It  is  important  for  employers  to  strike  a
       loafing  is  to  educate  employees  on  the              balance  between  preventing  cyber  loafing
       risks  associated  with  online  activities.  This        and  respecting  employee  privacy.  While
       can  include  training  on  internet  safety              monitoring software and web filters can be
       and security, as well as instruction on the               effective  in  preventing  cyber  loafing,  they
       importance  of  remaining  focused  and                   can also create a sense of distrust between
       productive at work. Employees should also                 employers  and  employees.  Therefore,  it
       be encouraged to report any suspicious or                 is  important  for  employers  to  establish
       unusual online activity, such as emails from              clear policies and guidelines that respect
       unknown  sources  or  pop-up  windows  that               employee privacy and protect against
       request personal information.                             discrimination or harassment.

        In addition to these measures, employers                   In  conclusion,  cyber  loafing  is  a  growing
       can also utilize technology to prevent cyber              concern  for  employers  as  it  can  lead  to
       loafing. This can include monitoring software             decreased  productivity,  security  risks,  and
       that tracks employee internet  usage  and                 a  toxic  work  environment.  By  establishing
       alerts employers to any suspicious activity.              clear policies and guidelines, providing
       Employers  can  also  use  web  filtering  tools          incentives      for   productivity,     educating
       to block access to certain websites or                    employees  on  the  risks  of  online  activities,
       categories  of  websites  that  are  deemed               and utilizing technology  to prevent cyber
       non-work-related.                                         loafing, employers can help ensure that their
                                                                 employees remain focused and productive
                                                                 while at work.

                                                                                              Prof. Pritha Ubgade

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