Page 11 - Connect 2022-23
P. 11
Effective communication strategies
for engaging with Gen Z
As Generation Z (Gen Z) becomes a
more prominent part of the workforce, it is To effectively engage with Gen Z in the
essential to understand how to effectively workplace, employers need to adapt
communicate with and engage them in the their communication strategies to align
workplace. Born between the mid-1990s and with these characteristics. Here are some
the mid-2010s, this generation grew up in an effective communication strategies for
era of technology and constant connectivity. engaging with Gen Z:
As a result, traditional communication
methods may not resonate with them as they 1. Use Social Media and Digital
do with previous generations. In this article, Communication Platforms
we will explore effective communication Gen Z is used to communicating through
strategies for engaging with Gen Z in the social media and other digital platforms.
workplace. Therefore, employers can leverage
these platforms to communicate with
First, it is essential to understand them. Platforms like Slack, Zoom, and
the characteristics of Gen Z. They are Microsoft Teams can facilitate real-time
digital natives who have grown up with communication and collaboration, making
smartphones, social media, and the internet. it easier to engage with Gen Z. Additionally,
They are used to instant gratification and social media platforms like Instagram,
have a shorter attention span than previous Twitter, and LinkedIn can be used to share
generations. Gen Z is also highly diverse company updates, job openings, and
and values inclusivity, equity, and social industry news.
justice. They have high expectations for their
employers and prioritize work-life balance,
flexibility, and career growth.
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