Page 15 - Connect 2022-23
P. 15

The relationship between

                                       Students and Teachers

        The  relationship  between  students  and                collaboration and mutual understanding.
       teachers has undergone significant changes                it has also led to challenges in establishing
       over the years. Traditionally, the relationship           respectful relationships among them. Some
       was hierarchical, with the teacher being the              students may perceive their teachers as
       authority  figure  and  the  student  being  the          facilitators  rather  than  authority  figures,
       passive learner. However, with the advent of              which can lead to a lack of respect for their
       new teaching methods and technologies,                    teachers. On the other hand, some teachers
       this relationship has evolved into a more                 may struggle to establish boundaries and
       collaborative and interactive one.                        maintain authority, leading to a breakdown
        We observe that there is shift from Teacher-             in respect from their students.
       Centered  to  Student-Centered  Learning                    Furthermore,  the  increasing  prevalence
       process. In earlier days the teacher used to              of social media and online communication
       dictate, give lecture and the student was                 has also created challenges in maintaining
       expected  to  passively  receive  information.            respectful  relationships  between  teachers
       However,  now  the  focus  has  shifted  to  the          and  students.  Online  interactions  can  be
       student’s  needs  and  interests.  Teachers               impersonal and there is lack the nuance
       now work to facilitate learning, rather than              and  face-to-face  communication.  This
       dictate it.                                               can     lead    to    misunderstandings         and
        It  is  expected  that  students  should  be             misinterpretations  that  can  damage  the
       involved  in  learning  process.  That  is  active        relationship between teachers and students.
       learning. They are encouraged to participate                Despite these challenges, there are still
       in  discussions,  ask  questions,  and  solve             many  examples  of  respectful  relationships
       problems. Teachers no longer see themselves               between teachers and students in the
       as the only source of knowledge, but rather               present day also. Many teachers go
       as motivators of learning. This approach has              above and beyond to establish positive
       also led to a more personalized and student-              relationships  with  their  students,  fostering
       focused learning experience.                              an  environment  of  trust,  mutual  respect,
        Technology  has  revolutionized  the  way                and collaboration. Similarly, many students
       we teach and learn. With the use of online                understand  the  importance  of  respecting
       platforms and tools, teachers can now reach               their teachers and appreciate the value
       a wider audience and provide personalized                 that  their  teachers  bring  to  their  learning.
       learning  experiences.  Students  can  learn              Whenever  the  teacher  is  through  with  his
       at  their own pace  and  can interact  with               or her knowledge and able to pass it to his
       teachers  in  real-time  also.  This  has  also           students he or she gets the desired respect.
       led  to  a  more  informal  and  collaborative              It  is  essential  for  both  teachers  and
       relationship between student and teacher.                 students  to  cultivate  a  culture  of  respect
        Respect is an essential component of this                and collaboration to promote a positive and
       relationship. However, presently there is                 productive learning environment
       change in the dynamics of the relationship.
       In the traditional model, where the teacher                                              Prof. Arati Pendse
       was the authority figure and students were
       expected  to  obey  their  instructions,  the
       level  of  respect  may  have  been  higher.
       However, in the modern education system,
       where the teacher and the student work
       together to achieve the learning objectives,
       the level of respect may be based more on

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