Page 13 - Connect 2022-23
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                                                     Bridging the Gap

        In today’s technology-oriented fast-paced                  The Role of Spirituality in Management
       world,  the  importance  of  spirituality  in  the          So,  what  is  the  role  of  spirituality  in
       workplace needs to be discussed in length.                management?  At  first  glance,  these  two
       Spirituality and Management are deeply                    concepts might seem like oil and water, but
       intertwined. Spirituality and Management                  in reality, they can work together to create a
       may seem like an odd pairing, but in                      more harmonious and effective workplace.
       recent  years,  the  integration  of  these  two            By giving employees a sense of purpose and
       concepts has become increasingly popular.                 meaning, spirituality can help management
       Many individuals and organizations are                    in a number of ways. People are more likely
       recognizing  the  benefits  of  incorporating             to be motivated and engaged in their work
       spiritual  practices  and  beliefs  into  their           when  they  feel  connected  to  something
       management and leadership styles.                         bigger  than  themselves.  This  may  result  in
                                                                 increased levels of well-being, productivity,
        What is Spirituality?                                    and job satisfaction.
        A  profound  sense  of  connection  to                     Spirituality can also help to foster a more
       something greater than oneself is one way                 ethical and values-driven workplace. When
       to  define  spirituality.  This  connection  can          employees  are  guided  by  a  set  of  shared
       take many forms, including personal values,               values and principles, they are more likely
       nature, religion, and community.                          to make ethical decisions and behave in an
        It is essential to keep in mind that one                 honest and respectful manner. This can help
       can be spiritual without being religious,                 to build trust and credibility with customers,
       despite the fact that spirituality is frequently          suppliers, and other stakeholders.
       associated  with  religion.  In  fact,  spirituality
       is  often  viewed  as  a  more  inclusive  and
       universal concept than religion, which tends
       to be more specific and dogmatic.

        What is Management?
        Management, on the other hand, is the art
       of  Managing  people,  money,  and  time,  at
       the workplace in order to achieve a desired
       goal. Management is a fundamental aspect
       of any organization, from a small business
       to a multinational corporation.

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