Page 23 - LINKPIN 2022-23
P. 23
4. How did you obtain funding for your on delivering the highest calibre products and
company? services, branching out into new areas, and
Because it is a relatively new company, I am achieving faster growth.
responsible for all financial matters. as a result, 8. Who are your rivals, and how do you deal
I have raised money from my own resources. with them?
5. What distinguishes your company from Because there are so many rivals, it is
others? impossible to entirely eradicate them. The goal
The firm is distinctive in that we bring the is not to outperform the competition, but rather
authentic flavour of regional Indore specialties to distinguish our company by offering more
to Pune, which is also our USP. I personally delicious cuisine of higher quality and staying
enjoy the flavours of the regional cuisine from true to the original vision for the company.
Indore, so I made the decision to launch my Additionally, I believe that there should always
own company based on the same concept be some rivalry, particularly in the food market.
because I thought Pune residents, who are Since there are so many competitors, clients will
also big foodies, would adore it and it was have the opportunity to try on several selections,
something that was both needed and lacking so they won’t always consume the same thing.
there. Therefore, this was the straightforward Therefore, I view competition favourably since
concept behind launching the firm. it keeps consumers interested in our goods.
6. What difficulties did you encounter in 9. What are your goals and objectives?
founding or running your firm, and how did you Talking about future plans, the goal is to
resolve them? spread over different sites in and around Pune,
Every business faces challenges and we and we are now conducting a market study for
were no exception. It took us some time the same. The mission is fairly straightforward:
to comprehend the procedure and rivalry “To always provide tasty and quality food.”
surrounding us because we were new to 10. What does success mean to you?
this field. Additionally, as newcomers, one of
our biggest hurdles was attracting clients. Everyone’s concept of success is different.
Making someone build a taste for your items is Success to me is having contented clients, a
challenging. But as time went on, we discovered content team, new branches, and a profitable
several strategies for solving these issues. enterprise.
Another crucial lesson I discovered is the 11. What advice do you have for upcoming
necessity for patience and curiosity to learn and entrepreneurs who are young?
experiment with new approaches, comprehend Although it is exceedingly challenging,
the viewpoint of the client, and pay attention to starting your own firm is not impossible. There
various viewpoints and take the suggestions will always be some sort of difficulty, but never
they make, make the necessary improvements, lose hope in yourself or give up. Simply believe
and expand our business. in yourself, your plan, and put a lot of effort
7. How have your priorities evolved since you into reaching the objectives you have set for
started out? yourself.
Due to the expanding customer base and Article by:
expanding business scope, our business
priorities have significantly changed. At first, we Prachi Sali
concentrated on growing our customer base, Saloni Shah
learning from them, and developing our brand. Sayali Hirde
Now that we have come close to achieving Siddhika Jadhav
these objectives, we are concentrating more Yash Lunkad
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