Page 28 - LINKPIN 2022-23
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A few years ago, only three  major  funds  more money into stock markets. This trend is
            were being offered by all the leading financial  expected  to continue  into 2022  as  well  with
            institutions like HDFC MF and ICICI Prudential  no  significant  changes  expected  in  terms  of
            MF  etc.,  whereas  today  there  are  nearly  50  investment options available on exchanges or
            different schemes available with every financial  other methods  by which investors can invest
            institution  offering  a wide range  of products  their money into stocks.
            under various categories such as equity funds,         Conclusion
            balanced  funds  etc.,  which  makes  it  difficult
            for investors  to  choose  from among them,            The mutual fund industry in India has grown
            However,  despite  this  competition  among          tremendously  over  the  years.  It  was  only  five
            mutual funds which has  increased  manifold          years ago that the industry started with around
            over  the  years,  their  performance has  been      200 funds and today, it has grown to more than
            consistently good over time and investors have       1000.
            benefitted immensely from them.                        The growth of the mutual fund industry is due

               The industry has grown rapidly over the last      to the increasing demand for funds by investors.
            few years, with a growth rate of almost 40% per      With  increasing  investments  in  other  sectors
            year, in 2022, it is expected that this rate will    like  real  estate,  gold, and  other  commodities,
            remain at around 30%.                                people  have  become more  comfortable

               The  main reason  for  this  growth is  the       investing in mutual funds.
            increase  in  demand  for  financial  products         Many people have also realized that investing
            among investors. This has led to an increase in      in  mutual funds provides  them  with  more
            the number of people investing their money in        flexibility as compared to traditional investment
            mutual funds which have been able to meet this       options like bank deposits and fixed deposits.
            demand.                                              For example, if you want to make a withdrawal
               In addition to this, there is also an increased   from your mutual fund account, you can do so
                                                                 without  having  to worry about your  savings
            demand for equity-oriented  mutual funds             losing value over time because of inflation or
            as  people  become interested  in  investing         interest rates decreasing.

                                                                                                           Article by:

                                                                                                      Bhavesh Gupta
                                                                                                   Dheeraaj Katariya
                                                                                                       Gayatri Edake
                                                                                                       Mayank Rathi
                                                                                                    Sarthak Pardeshi

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