Page 30 - LINKPIN 2022-23
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3. Why did you start this business? market conditions. Due to a lack of funding, our
My love, as I’ve already stated, was food, and occasionally inadequate financing, and our slow
I’ve always wanted to start my own business. I growth in comparison to our potential growth,
worked in the banking and telecommunications you are existing but not advancing. Your sales
industries before transferring to academia to or revenue cannot be taken away. Our largest
complete my PhD, but I had a secret desire to obstacle to rapid growth was a lack of financial
pursue something else. I simply decided that my resources.
love of food and my desire to be an entrepreneur
made a wonderful mix, so I combined the two Overcome:
and launched this firm.
We slogged, I think we were mentally prepared
that it would take time for the company to
4. How did you obtain funding for this company? stabilise. Me and my partner didn’t start this
Together with my co-founder, I bootstrapped business just to make money. Making quick
the business. We paid a significant amount out money was never our focus. We stayed put.
of pocket and also took advantage of funding We knew that it would take time to reach break-
provided by the government of India through even. Some more time to generate salaries for
its various programmes. Therefore, we used us. Some more time to build things. We knew it
government facilities whenever they were would be a lengthy travel, so we were mentally
available to collect money without collateral, prepared for it. I believe that mental preparation
but we did spend a significant amount of money helped us overcome these obstacles. If you
on them. genuinely believe in what you’re doing, you’ll
find methods to make it happen. Where there is
a will, there is a way, is how we usually phrase it.
5. What distinguishes your company from
others? 7. How have your priorities evolved since the
We are working and operating in an experience beginning?
economy. What we do is create an experience
around the product. So, it’s just about creating a Extreme changes have occurred. We don’t
centre stage product for any special event, cake know when Saturday or Sunday is, we don’t
is a centre stage product and combination of understand the concept of work-life balance,
cream and bread. Making an experience that and family has truly taken a backseat. I also
customers will never forget makes us special in believe that the kind of leisure, comfort, and
the field of our product. relaxation we formerly enjoyed has been
pushed to the side. We had to go a long way to
get there.
6. What difficulties did you encounter and how
did you resolve them?
8. Who are your rivals, and how do you deal
The first and most crucial step is hiring with them?
the proper people who work for you. People
typically don’t want to work in start-ups. people First of all, the bakery industry is very
like you, who are in business school, prefer not fragmented. We frequently see two or three
to work at all because they like stability. It takes excellent formats and a few outstanding
a lot of work to find the right resources who can brands, such as baker’s dozen, theobroma, and
commit to what you want and who share your monginis.
goals and passions. Second, it goes without These pioneers don’t operate in distinct
saying that unstable conditions like COVID market sectors. However, we do. We do share
and demonetization have produced unstable some characteristics with them, thus our
27 | Linkipn 2022-23