Page 33 - LINKPIN 2022-23
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building principles has gained momentum, Focus on Affordable Housing
driven by factors such as energy efficiency, India’s growing population and urbanization
reduced carbon footprint, and long-term cost have intensified the need for affordable
savings. Developers and builders are integrating housing solutions. The construction sector has
sustainable materials, renewable energy responded to this demand by emphasizing the
sources, and efficient waste management development of affordable housing projects.
systems into their projects. Government Government initiatives such as Pradhan Mantri
initiatives like the Green Rating for Integrated Awas Yojana (PMAY) have incentivized builders
Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) and Leadership to invest in affordable housing, providing
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) subsidies and tax benefits. This shift in focus
certification have encouraged the construction towards affordable housing has led to innovative
industry to adopt green building practices, construction methods, cost-effective materials,
promoting resource conservation and and optimized designs that cater to the specific
environmental stewardship. needs of the economically weaker sections of
society. This trend has not only addressed the
housing deficit but also created employment
Integration of Advanced Technologies opportunities, stimulated economic growth,
Advancements in technology have and improved living standards for millions of
revolutionized the construction sector in India, Indians.
streamlining processes, enhancing productivity,
and improving safety standards. Building
Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged as a Conclusion
game-changer, allowing architects, engineers, The construction sector in India is undergoing
and construction professionals to create 3D a profound transformation as it embraces
digital models that enable better visualization sustainable practices, integrates advanced
and coordination throughout the project technologies, promotes green buildings, and
lifecycle. BIM facilitates efficient collaboration, addresses the pressing need for affordable
reduces errors, optimizes resource allocation, housing. These changing trends are reshaping
and enhances project management. the industry and paving the way for a more
Additionally, drones, robotics, and automation sustainable, efficient, and inclusive future.
have found their place in construction, aiding in By leveraging innovative approaches and
site surveys, inspections, and repetitive tasks, collaborative efforts between the government,
thereby improving efficiency and reducing industry stakeholders, and society, the
human error. construction sector in India can continue to
Furthermore, the integration of Internet evolve and contribute to the nation’s growth,
of Things (IoT) devices and sensors in while mitigating environmental impact and
construction projects has enabled real- meeting the diverse housing needs of its
time monitoring of structural health, energy citizens.
consumption, and safety conditions. This
data-driven approach enhances decision-
making, predictive maintenance, and ensures
the longevity of structures. The adoption of
modular construction techniques has also
gained traction, allowing for faster construction,
reduced waste generation, and improved quality
Article by:
Rohit Maghade
Linkipn 2022-23 | 30