Page 7 - IMDR JOURNAL- 2022
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support from the Society to meet these goals. One of the prominent representatives of the Society is the
Industry at Large.
The Industries do have the potential to encourage, support and develop the society at large. The SDG have a
strong relevance to the societal upliftment and the Companies do run schemes & campaigns to meet societal
needs. The Industries adopt Villages, develop nearby locality, Invest in Education, plans to tackle Poverty in
society; they are Environmental conscious and contribute to the success of the Society at large. Industries
have the potential, Power and Resources to manage these goals. Irrespective of the kind of Industry a
Company belongs to, it does have the motto of supporting society. In India the 2% clause towards CSR
projects is a strong boost towards societal development. Industries being one of stakeholders to the societal
development, the SDGs have a strong potential to get fulfilled through the support of the industries at large.
The Author has considered the following objectives for the study:
1. To study the Essentials of Sustainable Development goals spearheaded by the United Nations.
2. To understand the role of Industries towards contributing to Sustainable Development Goals.
A study on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) & Role of Industries is an exploratory & descriptive
study conducted with the help of Primary & Secondary sources of data. The Researcher has gathered data
through primary sources based on Non Probability Convenience Sampling Technique, 13 respondent
Organisations have provided the data responding to the Questionnaire circulated through the online mode
from the region of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The study aims to understand the Essentials of Sustainable
Development goals spearheaded by the United Nations. It further aims to understand the role of Industries
towards contributing to Sustainable Development Goals. The study encompasses the responses from the
Industry at large. The Author has experienced a hesitation towards responses to the survey and eventually
responses were lesser than the circulation of the google form. The Researcher believes & express that the
inferences gathered are indicative in nature rather exhaustive.
The Researcher has adopted the following process for the study:
Chart No.1 – Research Process adopted for the study
Source: Author’s Study