Page 107 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 107

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         Granger causality test was carried out to find whether there was Granger cause effect present between
         two variables. Granger causality was used to determine whether one time series can predict the future

         values of another time series. Example FII is said to "Granger cause" Sensex if knowledge of FII's past
         increases one's capacity to forecast Sensex's behavior. Here we had time series data for all the economic

         variables under study.

         Since  every  p-value  in  these  Granger  causality  test  results  was  higher  than  0.05,  every  test's  null
         hypothesis was accepted. Granger causality test analysis result FII, Gold price, CPI and Repo rate did

         not Granger-cause variable S&P BSE Sensex. i.e future values of S&P Sensex do not depend on the time
         series values of variables FII, Gold price, CPI and repo rate. We cannot use any variable separately for

         the prediction of the Sensex values.
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