Page 108 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 108

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         Findings of the Study:

           Sr. No.           Objectives                            Hypothesis Accepted
              1     To study the combined impact of FII  Alternative Hypothesis (H1): At least one of
                    (Foreign    institutional   investors)  the  repressors  total  net  FII  (Foreign
                    investment,  gold  price  per  gram,  institutional investors) investment, gold price
                    Consumer  Price  Index  (CPI)  for  per  gram,  Consumer  Price  Index  for  retail
                    retail inflation and repo rate on S&P  inflation   and   repo   rate   contributes
                    BSE Sensex                            significantly  to  the  S&P  BSE  Sensex
              2     To  determine  whether  Foreign  Null Hypothesis (H0): FII does not Granger-

                    Institutional Investors data is useful  cause  variable  S&P  BSE  Sensex.  i.e  time
                    in forecasting S&P BSE Sensex.        series FII cannot be used for the prediction of
                                                          future values of S&P Sensex.
              3     To determine whether gold price per  Null Hypothesis (H0): Gold price per gram

                    gram  data  is  useful  in  forecasting  does  not  Granger-cause  variable  S&P  BSE
                    S&P BSE Sensex.                       Sensex. i.e time series Gold Price cannot be
                                                          used  for  the  prediction of future  values  of
                                                          S&P Sensex.

              4     To  determine  whether  Consumer  Null Hypothesis (H0): Consumer Price Index
                    Price Index (CPI) for retail inflation  (CPI) for retail  inflation does  not  Granger-
                    data  is  useful  in  forecasting  S&P  cause  variable  S&P  BSE  Sensex.  i.e  time
                    BSE Sensex.                           series CPI cannot be used for the prediction
                                                          of future values of S&P Sensex.

              5     To determine whether repo rate data   Null  Hypothesis  (H0):  Repo  rate  does  not
                    is  useful  in  forecasting  S&P  BSE   Granger-cause variable S&P BSE Sensex. i.e
                    Sensex.                               time series repo rate cannot be used for the
                                                          prediction of future values of S&P Sensex.

         F-test for significance of regression implies that at least one of the repressors total net FII (Foreign

         institutional investors) investment, gold price per gram, Consumer Price Index (CPI) for retail inflation
         and repo rate contributes significantly to the model for S&P BSE Sensex. Except CPI all three variables

         FII, gold price and repo rate contribute significantly to the model for S&P BSE Sensex.

         The observed R-square is 0.4561, the greater the R-square near to one the better fit of the model is for

         prediction purposes. Here there are so many other micro and macro-economic variables like Index of

         total industrial production, Foreign Direct Investment, export, import etc., which also play important
         role in the value of Sensex.

         Moderate multicollinearity between one to five also slightly affects the value of R-square. As moderate
         multicollinearity exists there is no need to remove it for fitting model. Granger causality test analysis
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