Page 327 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 327

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

               engage  with  customers,  answer  questions,  and  address  concerns  throughout  the  buying

               journey.  This  personalized  approach  fostered  customer  loyalty  and  ultimately  led  to  order

               Elevating Customer Experience: The Rachana Way
               Ms. Rachana defied the "product-first" norm by recognizing the crucial role of exceptional

               customer  service.  Unlike  many,  she  envisioned  herself  as  a  celebrator,  walking  clients
               through their journey beyond a simple product purchase.

               Rachana's approach goes beyond sales transactions. From inquiries to after-sales support, she

               acts as a dedicated consultant, ensuring clients value the guidance as much as the product
               itself.  This  builds  loyalty  and  fosters  personal  connections,  transforming  customers  into


               When the customer is not the consumer- There's a wide range of clients, and some of these
               are  customers who want to  buy  cakes  for their  partners  and not  themselves.  In almost  all

               cases, such customers are not aware of what exactly they want. So guiding the customer in
               such cases and suggesting what's best for them holds great importance. From deciding the

               flavor  of  the  cake  to  finalizing  its  overall  customization,  suggesting  the  best  mode  of
               delivery, and extending the best after-sales support, and finally making the customer's partner

               happy takes the business to another level.

               Growth in Numbers: Bento cakes fuel November surge, wedding season caps a strong


                                             Revenue in Rupees
                  120000                                                         104600

                                                  55608      58957     60705
                   60000               48425
                             July      August   September   October   November  December

               Figure 6: Monthly Sales

               This  chart  tracks  sales  growth  over  the  last  6  months  of  2023.  Ms.  Rachana's  brilliant
               introduction of bento cakes in August ignited a 39% revenue jump by November, compared

               to July. The momentum continued with a massive December spike, fueled by wedding and

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