Page 7 - LINKPIN 2023-24
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remained on business development, driving
growth by expanding operational horizons. The
extensive network I cultivated over the years
continues to be a valuable asset, facilitating my
that success is not solely defined by academic transition into consultancy from the comfort of
accolades but by the ability to translate my home.
knowledge into action. Reflecting on my journey, I impart a piece of
Upon graduation, I was presented with two advice to aspiring professionals: treat every
enticing job offers in HR and Marketing. Opting organization as if it were your own and strive
for the latter, I immersed myself in the realm of to propel it forward. Embrace the perspective
hardcore sales, where tangible results served of an owner, and watch how it transforms your
as a testament to my efforts. Unlike some approach towards work.
of my peers who frequently switched jobs, I In closing, I extend special gratitude to Rasika
remained steadfast in my commitment to my (for you Prof Rasika Datar), whose efforts kept
organization, driven by a sense of loyalty and our IMDR cohort connected throughout the
dedication. years. It’s through the bonds forged during our
Over 32 years, I traversed the corporate MBA journey that we continue to thrive and
landscape, ascending the ranks within two succeed, embodying the spirit of collaboration
organizations. My tenure was characterized and camaraderie that defines our collective
by unwavering loyalty, a trait that seems journey towards excellence.
increasingly rare in today’s fast-paced world. (As narrated to Tanaya
From electronics to seafood, my career Mulay)
took me on a journey filled with
challenges and opportunities,
each contributing to my growth
and evolution. Specializing in the
seafood industry,
my focus
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